Picture credit: deposit photos

When it comes to dealing with village people, you just have to pay obeisance to them if you don't want them to se yeye you infront of aradugbo.

Apart from the heartbreak that happened later in the day, yesterday was a lucky day. I was delving into the difficult aspect of my course outline and to some extent, I was scared.

I was more than confused when my instructor started drawing lines for pattern. Construction was the only Maths topic I loved in secondary school but this was more complex. To be honest, I hated Maths. The relationship between both of us is toxic. Maths should be abolished in this life because what is all these numbers tori olorun. But God so good, I did mine and it came out well. My joy knew no bound.

I was beaming. I did not hesitate to tell anyone who cared to listen that I overcame this pattern by the blood of the lamb (let me be religious a bit).

Mobola 1-0 Village people

Little did I know that my village people went to prepare ahead. Those people do not have joy!

Today was the direct opposite. It felt like I was drunk without taking alcohol. First thing I did was to confidently do a wrong cut. I did not even realize I made a mistake until I was through. Imagine going to the island but your car is heading towards Ikorodu. Totally wrong direction, right? That was what I did!

I could hear village people giggling at a corner but I refuse to be defeated. Remember what they said about trying again when you fail? I did just that.

This time around, it was a DISASTER! Take for instance a builder wants to build a house but instead of starting from the foundation, he started by roofing the house. 

I still did not realize until my instructor started laughing hard. God! I did not just do this. Wo, we live to fight another day.

Mobola 1-1 Village people

Till later,




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