Today, in history, is symbolic. Little wonder I woke up to rain. Maybe the heaven have finally decided to smile on Nigeria and bring all these sufferings to an end. Not only does my pen bleed this morning, my heart bleeds and cries out. It is the morning of democracy but absolutely all demos have gone crazy. We can't even "demo"  because the pain inflicted on us is beyond us.

Leaders have become lovers of themselves with no interest of the masses at heart. Do not beg to differ because even the ones who are truthful and loyal does so at their own peril. Of a truth, the true definition of democracy is lost and we have skillfully crafted another meaning for ourselves. Politics have become a do or die affair. It's either you win or win even if it means going through the needle eyes.

Arise! O compatriots; says our national anthem but can we arise? How shall we arise when our lives is not secured. Tell me people, how shall we arise against external forces when we have internal forces such as the pangs of hunger. How then shall we arise when poverty have crippled us and selfish interest have blinded us.

Dear leaders, maybe you have forgotten the third line of our national anthem. I would remind you. It says:

To serve our fatherland, with LOVE and STRENGTH and FAITH.

This is the oath you all have taken. Why do otherwise? Obviously, you are there to serve your mouth, with no iota of love and with strength geared towards personal enrichment.

Our youths have become tools for violence. Why wouldn't it be so when there is no means of livelihood. Nigeria! Behold your future glory. Would you just sit and watch your sun set all of a sudden

Nigeria democracy, is this what you've become!

The light at the tunnel is gradually getting dim. This land weeps for a change.

O God of creation!
Please hear our cry
Instill your fear in our leaders
Guide our leaders right
Help our youths the truth to know
Maybe only then would the balm of true democracy soothes our aching heart.


Till we get to the promised land,


  1. Should I say Nigeria shall be great again???!

    1. Hopefully, John. Let's say these are just dark times.

  2. Huun what is even june 12 all about ,the person we all declared June 12 for for what reason when we have great man like Awolowo and so on killings everywhere 😭 sleeping at night is another thing Insecurity 🙇🤦
    God of our land intervain 🧟

    1. I understand your pain and trust me, an average Nigerian feels so too. The country is all shaded of messed up

  3. Let's us arise. There is more within each individual. We are not tie if we set our hearts free. You and I can make the difference.

  4. In LOVE and HONESTY to grow, that's what we confess in our National Anthem... And when there's no LOVE AND HONESTY in land, GROWTH will be an ILLUSION.

    Nigeria will be great again?

  5. If and only if we individually challenge ourselves to be better, to see the opportunities buried in the problems we see around us daily, Nigeria would be on the part of RISING. If Nigeria Will not get better, you get better.

    1. Great words. But what do we when we don't have an enabling environment

  6. When 2023 comes, they will ignore that these leaders don't have their best interests at heart and still vote them in. We are the one keeping ourselves stuck in the cycle of bad leadership.

    1. A few thousand is what subjects us to four years hardship. I just hope people can use their brain this time around.

  7. I see no reason why democracy in Nigeria is being celebrated ..waste of honourable date

    1. Other nations are doing it, so we must. Even though the true essence of it is lost

  8. The change we dream of begins with us thus, without a personal conception of what it truly is nor an alteration to our current state of mind, there's no physical reflection of that which we clamour for. God bless Nigeria,God bless us. Happy democracy day✨

  9. Till we get to the promise Land ��

    1. I'd be waiting for you to pass me a cup of relief

  10. It all started some fifty years ago! Our greed that brought the bane "corruption" that has crippled the largest unit to the smallest unit in the community.
    People have had the wrong mindset of government and has failed to take personal responsibilities. The system is faulty cracked and hosed down with uncertainties.
    Many youths prefer overseas to their fatherland....of a truth you can't blame anyone
    Some even prefer to walk there even if they have to die!
    Some are wasted there by hard drugs and crime. Some are unjustly locked up as a result of racism and other cruel injustice.
    Not skipping prostitution it has become more than a fantasy for most female overseas delving into other grey areas like sex slave et al
    Some of our youths here are the champions "soft work" which has further truncated our credibility in the international community.
    The legitimate youths now officially has to bear the scar of mistrust.
    Everyone has a role to play in this fight.
    We are battered injured and bleeding from the system but we should not fold our hands and look by giving in to mediocrity.
    Now is the time to make the conversion.
    Change negative energy cured in anger to positive energy cured in anger!
    Let's stop the blame game its not going to make the shift rather make the bed of reminiscing deeper.

    1. So much bleeding from a poem. The reality is that no where is safe; not even the places we refer to as safe haven.

      But how do we stop the blame game when youths are crippled and not even given a chance to run the political affairs of the land

  11. Hmmmmnnn 😒 what can I say 🤷. The whole system is a joke. Until each person becomes responsible enough to realize that he/she is a nation in him/herself, then we can began to move forward. Aside the huge atrocity found among government officials, you'd be amazed what people outside this circle do too....
    It's like something should just appear and format all of our brains and we start afresh😒

    1. In a nutshell, we're the nation and we are responsible for the change we clamour for


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