I was going through my telephone address book dated 2008/2014 yesterday and discovered that I was no longer in contact with 90% of the people I had recorded therein. It is not like they became a bad person all of a sudden but there is every plausibility that we outgrew each other's relevancy.

Now this is the real deal. Life is in stages and so is growth and development. Consciously or unconsciously, there are numbers of behaviour cum people you leave as you grow. You are not doing this because you feel you can just use and dump them but solely because you need people who shares the same ideology, dreams and visions with you. The people you surround yourself with goes a long way in determining the rate at which you achieve your purpose.

However, I smile when I hear people say they keep small circle because they don't want drama. Of a truth, no one loves drama. Having a small or large circle is not the bone of contention but the value they add to your life.  This is the jet age and networking is one important tool you cannot do without. Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion and how they choose to run their life. Your small circle might actually be filled with people who are of so much importance while my own large circle is filled with people who are irrelevant to my purpose and vice versa. Nonetheless, what works for Mr A may absolutely not work out for Mr B.

The whole essence of my preaching is that you fill your circle with people who would be relevant, useful and helpful to your career and particularly your person in the nearest future and not just people who lift you out of boredom. This begs the question: what kind of circle do you keep?
Remember, your circle today determines your connection tomorrow.

I guess that's all I have for you. Everyday isn't for a lengthy writeup. By the way, how has the lockdown been so far? I hope you're reaching out to friends and family.

Do have a nice day ahead and remember to stay safe.

Till we talk again


  1. Honestly, this topic you just talked about came to my mind this morning. I'm the type that like making new friends and also try my best to keep them. Overtime, I have realized that you can't keep all friends. Some are not with good intentions at all. At times, I blame myself for letting go of such friends but at the same time, I need the right people to move on.

  2. I was looking around for the comment box.

    found it.

    I love this sound.

    But, how about having a large circle and reaching out to a small pie of the circle to archive your purpose, A medium pie of the circle to archive one another's purposes and the largest part to archive other people's purposes

    what am I even saying.

    it not my floor 😂.

    1. You actually brought in mathematics😀

      Like I stated, it's not all about the size of the circle but substance and value.

  3. Preach on sister. Nice write-up. It's truth. Define your relationships with people in your life. If they are worth it, you let them stay

  4. The fact is, real friends always stick around. No matter how long or how far! Most times it's just one or two persons. And of course, are of good importance to you and your dream.

  5. Nice one, deaconess
    Value over size of the circle

  6. If I am to take something out of this piece, it would be to watch out for the "quality" of my friends.

  7. This lockdown has been a period of reflection and this is one of the topics that pops up . You really captured the moments well and also thanks on working on typos/grammatical-errors. Keep being relevant.

    1. I'm glad you can relate.

      Thanks for commenting!

  8. It's the cycle of life, I guess, we live, we love and we lose. We grow farther apart from those whom we once knew as we age. This is a beautiful read, granny.

    1. Petty god! Thanks for gracing our planet.

  9. Just like how I have you in my circle.
    You're my personal editor 😂
    And I'm the love of your life

  10. I always love to read you write but can I say this is about the best I've seen you say. It wasn't too preachy you sounded like the adage after every super story that kept audience humming. Keep it up

    1. Thank you dear. Permit my head to swell😂

  11. Actually, there are people who love drama. In fact, they leave for it. But that's just by the way.

    Someone I know always said - you are to choose your friend, don't ever let your friend choose you.

    1. I love that line. I might just work with it too.

  12. Kini mo fe so sef🤔 oh! Write up yi👌.
    Quite an interesting read and a challenge we find ourselves in as we go through each stage in life. It's inevitable that we will have to do away with some friends, however in doing that; make sure it's not right ones you do away with the wrong, while holding on to the wrong ones.

    1. Thank you ma. We all need wisdom in doing so.


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