Fashion rule says do not over dress or under dress; in all things keep it classy, simple and elegant with the right accessories that blend with the occasion. But we have, at some point, gone against this rule.

Today I will be sharing my own fashion gone wrong series. Sit, relax and enjoy.

My first fashion gone wrong experience could be traced back to when I was in SSS 3. We all could attest it to it that there is this aura affiliated to being in that class which ranges from being the senior of all classes to the independence that is soon to come.

Being a boarder, we had little or no time to showcase our sweet body and fashion sense as we were clad in oversized check uniforms throughout the school term time. So our only escape route was during jamb. Oh yes! Everyone wanted to look peng to the exam hall.

Prior to the exam day, we had selected our clothes and shoes, carefully pressed them and hanged them waiting for the D-day. On the eve of the exam day, everyone kept talking of how we would be the talk of the town and so on. If only we had known how prepared our village people were.

My exam was slated for 10am the next day. As a matter of fact, I could barely sleep because I was anxious and also looked forward to my dressing. I woke up very early, had my bath and got dressed. My black gown was above knee length with a white wedge shoe to complement. My face was carefully massaged with red powder and red lipstick shinning on my lips. My hair nko? You don't want to know๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ.
On top say I wan write Jamb exam o.
My mates and I had even danced to aye and dorobucci before going to the exam hall.

Long story cut short, I got to the exam hall and the stares I got from people nearly bore holes into my body. I was the only odd one carrying legs like pepeye. I knew my village people were already laughing at me by this time. I became disorganized but that was just the beginning.
As I was about being checked into the hall, my village people leader, in form of an examiner, told me to separate myself. "It is finished" I said to myself having heard tales of how merciless this woman can be. That's how I carried myself to one side awaiting judgement.

"Young lady! Where do you think you're coming to? A party? A club?" Her voice rang through the hall.

I knew I was in for it.

"I'm sorry ma" I said in a low tone.

After what seemed like an eternity, she told me to go sit down. I had lost all morale. My can couldn't can again. I was half way when she called me back.

"Why are you cat walking? It seems you're not serious. Now walk like someone who's got life" she screamed.

As if on impulse, I removed my beautiful wedge and walked barefooted just to save me this embarrassment. But before I got to my sit, I heard the dreadful sound parapraaaa. No! It could not be. My beautiful gown had torn right from the slit to the bum as a result of the rush. Only God knew how I survived the burning stares from other candidates.

No one told me what to do for the next Jamb. I had learnt my lessons the hard way.

Would you mind sharing your own fashion gone series? I'd be waiting for it in the comment section.

Thanks for reading. Stay safe!


  1. Beautiful read ❣️ Thanks Mobola

    My worst experience has to be the moment my trousers and underpants gave way during an exercise exposing my manhood to enough stares before I became aware of what was going on.

    Some lessons are learnt the hard way๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Replies
    1. Don't laugh all alone. Share with your friends.

  3. Chai. I can't remember mine but there are many and very funny

    1. Awwwn. It would have been nice if you remembered them.

  4. Okay so, I've experienced many embarrassing fashion gone wrong moments, I can only remember a few but here's one.
    I was in year one; then I didn't know, wearing pattern on pattern was wrong, someone had corrected me before but she didn't tell me what was wrong with my dressing.

    To cut the long story short I made the mistake again, thank God I had not left the hostel, I wore pink and black top and one leggings that has temple run pattern with several colours����

    Thank for my roommates shar, although they were cruel during the correction. I would have been a bigger fool if I had gotten outside with that clothe.

    1. Temple run๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

      This is quite funny. Thank God we've grown.

    2. Ikr? Thank God for growth��

  5. OMG,dis experience is just..
    Bt hv nt had one sha

    1. How I wish! But then, you can ask your parents for your childhood pictures.

  6. Fashion gone wrong/blunder is inevitable for growing teens and youths I must say. Some of which we realise or are being told cos we sometimes make the mistake subconsciously. I've made several fashion blunders and also had embarrassing moments which I might not be able to single out atm except by deep thought or reignited memory. But I do go through my fb pic at times or whenever fb give me some memories or other forms of throwbacks. I look at myself in some of those pics and I begin to wonder... Was that really me? Till date we still do make fashion blunders but fashion has gone really haywire nowadays... anything abnormal is just said to be the Vogue and everyone just have to trend along. Eg set awon balenciaga geng!

    Nice piece Mobola... This is #covid_relief๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. Gosh! Facebook can be so mean๐Ÿ˜‚. My future husband must not see some of my Facebook memories. Those pictures are hilarious!

  7. ๐Ÿ˜‚ this is crazy.
    Remember last year when I took your jacket home ๐Ÿ˜‚ my trousers went praaaa... And it kept expanding ehn
    If not your jacket that day ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    1. Thinking about it now I think I have to collect a service charge.

    2. Service charge wo ๐Ÿ˜‚ service provider

  8. Omg! I can so much relate, damn!
    To have your gown tear on top all that, you really went through a lot that day

  9. I have experienced many fashion gone wrong but let me share one with you. A childhood friend of mine invited me to her court wedding. She also told me that the engagement would commence immediately after leaving the court. Prior to the day, I searched for the dress that would make me simple and at the same time beautiful. So there's a pink gown I so much cherished out of my cloth and I have not worn it before. I like this gown because it is fitted and it will bring out my shape. At the court, I sat down close to the front because I came early. I'm the party type and I always try my best to dress well,this is because it helps in boosting my confidence.
    At some point at the court, we were singing and dancing. I was engrossed in the dancing to the extent that the person behind me was tapping me and I didn't answer. She nearly removed my wig when I answered. She said " sister, please you need to cover your back, there's an opening there". This killed my morale and I sat down quietly looking at people dancing and at the same thinking of how I would leave the place without people staring at my back. I could not really snap well that day, I had to look for scarf to cover it and then look for a nearby tailor to help me fix the cloth.
    This is not all though, this gown also disgraced me at another place again but this is okay for now.

    1. But they say pink gowns are the charm. This gown didn't want you to eat party jollof rice.

      Tight fitting clothes are always beautiful but sometimes, they are always there to disgrace us.

      Sorry about your experience

    2. If I hear๐Ÿ˜ƒ. After mending the cloth, I ended up eating the Jollof rice. Trust me, I will not miss party food for anything except if is tangible.

    3. Carry on. Fellow jollof rice lover

  10. Loool...That invigilator was mean. Very mean...she must have cost you that jamb that year, as you've been psychologically drained. Anyways as an introverted person, I've always been very careful with my dressing when going out, so no memory of an epic fail is jumping out to me.

    Beautiful read ��

    1. You sure know how Nigerian invigilators can be extra.

      Thanks for reading.

  11. My bro referred me and I am now disappointed

  12. I'm meant I'm not the now was a typographical error๐Ÿ˜Š maybe I look forward to you writing on costly typographical errors

    1. Funny you.

      Thanks for reading. I'm glad it met up to your expectations.

  13. It was a good read, though had a few typographical errors(I suggest you have someone re-read and edit,before posting).
    All the same, I can't remember any fashion gone wrong for me , except if my shoe/Sandals getting spoilt on the way is one(which I've experienced numerous times)๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคฃ. Keep enticing us with your pen, I hope to see an improvement on the typos.

    1. Thank you so much.

      I'd work on that. I guess it was as a result of typing so fast.

  14. Chai... fashion blunders
    Till date I am still a victim
    Bhet,how come I never heard this story of yours ������

    Keep it up dear!

    1. All because I kept it so well๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  15. Let's me start my comment by having a good laugh ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ
    No be today fashion dey don cause yawa.
    I have had my share of fashion gone wrong series, ranging from primary school, secondary school, tertiary institution and now sef๐Ÿคฆ. I can't really remember some, but there is this particular one that is till fresh in my memory, since it happened sometimes last year.
    Na so hair dey hungry me do. I went to the market, purchased a weave and pulled a call through to my hairdresser. The D-Day came, and we began the journey to the beauty world.
    When my hairdresser was through, I looked into the mirror and was like๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ฌ warris this ๐Ÿคท. I was going to blame my hairdresser, but my church mind said to me, ' sister, don't be an hypocrite, you bought the wrong color of weave'๐Ÿ˜”
    All I was concerned about was to buy weave, I didn't put into consideration the color of the weave (the color of a weave should complement your skin color to avoid looking weird ๐Ÿง, except if you don't really mind looking weird).
    To cut my long story short, I had to loosen the hair before the actually time I estimated and had to get use to the weird look ๐Ÿ™„people give me when I pass by.
    Surprisingly though, as the saying goes that, ' something grows on you'. The hair grew on me after about 1 week and I even received complement on how well the hair suits me. But in my mind of mind I was like is nor me you people we whine ๐Ÿ˜’

    1. Omg๐Ÿ˜‚

      I'm really so mindful of the hair colour I use. I don't want me looking like an egungun

  16. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I don't remember but I'm pretty sure I've had some experience sha

    1. I guess so or maybe you don't want us laughing at you๐Ÿ˜‚


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