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One of the most important aspect of my life people are so interested in is my relationship status. I have gotten so many questions whether I am single, engaged or married. To some extent, the third option is not feasible since it would be so obvious if I'm married. Well, you cannot say though. I may decide to keep it from the public as usual. But who would not want to flaunt her wedding band; even though I may mistakenly flush it down the drain due to my clumsiness.

Now, let's get to the main gist...

"Love is a beautiful thing..." Scratch that, it is cliche. I am only trying to sound like an helpless romantic. Weeew! It is not easy putting this out. But see ehn, nobody is above breakfast o, ehn ehn.

I got involved with this guy two years ago. At first, I did not take notice of him even though he was always in my face almost every day. 

Until God opened my eyes...

He was all shades of handsome: smooth and beautiful skin, perfect height, nice smell, firm grip etc. Just how I wanted my man to be. Did I forget to mention that he gives the perfect hug. I feel so safe in his arms.

Mobola! Your hard girl is derailing again. Focus...

I feel so happy whenever I am with him and it seemed like a forever thing but the universe had its own plan. Gradually, we started drifting. His smooth skin became coarse and his colour began to fade but I held on.

My believe was that we can always make things right once we set our mind to do it. Maybe I was wrong.

Yesterday, unlike other days, seemed like my lucky day. Everything was going perfectly well until evening. I went over to pick him up for a gist and met him wet.

He was wet and all shaky and I decided to dry him up. That was when he broke the news to me. My heart went gbimbim. 

With mouth agape and heart in my hands, I could not utter anything except ahhhhhh!

That was how my favorite nude pant decided to bid me farewell after two solid years of relationship. Isn't that cruel? Despite the love and care I showed this thing. I mean I was already planning to wear it on valentine to feel loved😭

Wait! You actually thought it was a man after all? Eyah😂

How it happened...

I decided to iron the pant to get a smooth feel but forgot to tune the iron. That's how this wicked iron burnt it with a wicked smile. The iron even gave it eyes and lips. Inorder to bid it farewell, I wore it overnight. I don't know whether to throw it away or keep it. My heart is still bleeding...

Gone too soon!

Adieu My beloved pant!

Till I find a lover, I remain



  1. Fuck you Mobola.... You really got me 😠

    Beautiful write up! Thumb up for u babe


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