Picture credit: Image Diamond

The story of the creatives would not be complete if I don't introduce you to a particular boy in an old man's body. 

Meet Seph - the father of all hoes in CWG.

Seph does not get a joke easily, especially one that is not related to hoeism. But when he finally does, his hysterical laughter surely sends everyone into a laughing spree. Everyone always looks forward to his "oh! I get" when a joke has died down. 

Blame him not, jokes does not have b$$bs and a$$ - those two are what triggers his brain.

A combination of Seph and Ayusco will leave you rolling on the floor all day. 

One would have thought he is conversant with the holy book since he is named after a bible character (Joseph) but our dear old man does not even know Moses was a stammerer.

You can imagine the shock on his mum's face when she heard of it too. Sunday school teachings have entered the forest.😂

Whispers Come closer, I want to tell you something.

Uncle Seph had an accident which left him with a broken leg. Everyone was worried. I was particularly worried when he had to undergo surgery. Guess what this old man asked the doctor when the anaesthetic wore off.

He asked, "Doctor, I can't feel my third leg. Are you sure it is still active?" 😂

At that point, I knew this boy was born to hoe!

Something happened that left everyone wondering. Uncle Seph started posting scriptural quotes and bible verses on his status. We all thought rapture is eminent. The transformation was too sudden.

My dear readers, please never doubt the power of a woman. Tori...

Till I write again,



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