My memory bank is blank right now, however, I found one memory I'd like to share. I am not so keen about sharing my private affairs but there is this strong urge to share this. I do hope it strengthens someone's faith.

It should be about this time last year or thereabout. I had declined my first service deployment because of the state of deployment. Covid happened and all plans were halted; only to be revisited in November.

The portal was reopened and this time, I had no option but to go. I got a hang of the news very late so I had to raise a substantial amount within two days. Thanks to God, I was able to.

Afterwards, I was left with nothing but frustration. Lol. Yes, I had bought my camp things since way back so that was sorted. 

But how do I survive in camp with practically no kobo at hand. I could bet on my period that I'd have issues with the food because of the complex stomach I have. Well, I was hoping for a miracle until the call-up letter came out and I saw "posted to Lagos, camp in Ekiti". I died that night. I knew my bp was way higher and if I'm to visit a hospital, I'd have been admitted.

Like where do I get fare to get to Ekiti to start with? I cried my eyes out while maintaining a strong mind when with my parents. I couldn't subject them to worry. 

Two days to camp and nothing was forthcoming. In all these, I didn't even remember to pray until this blessed son of man reminded me to do so. See ehn, get a partner that agrees with you in the place of prayer. I mumbled some words of prayer and slept.

A day to camp and nothing still until afternoon when my aunt randomly called 

"Hey Mobola, have you been posted?" 

I told her I've been posted to Ekiti. She asked about my arrangements and I told her and the call ended. Hope raised but dashed, I thought to myself. Alas! I was wrong.

She called an hour later to say she's booked a car for me and paid the fare. All I needed was to go meet them the next morning. She equally sent me pocket money and some cash to make my hair. One of Dad's debtor paid him too and he gave me money.

On the other hand, blessed son of man came with provisions and printed all the documents I needed to take along. He gave me his power bank to ease the tension of spending money to charge always.

The next day, Mobola was smiling to Ekiti with abundance. This, right here, is one of the greatest memory I have.

I know too well to have chosen a memory that'll make you laugh but decided to choose this one. God is still in the process of answering prayers. Most times, we worry too much and put him at the background.

I hope you're inspired. Thanks for reading! I do love you!

Till tomorrow,



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