More often than not, I have put my friends to test just to know my standing with them. Would you blame me? I guess not because I go into friendship with my heart and trust my friends to the core when they finally pass. You can easily say that is why I have a small circle.

Need me to ask you the most silly things you have done with your friends?

Thinking of this now and I'm currently laughing. It should be nine years ago if I'm not mistaken and the parties involved would have probably forgotten about this incident. There is a high chance they will remember upon reading this.

I attended a single school and this fueled my hatred for the other gender. Not hatred per say but I guess you understand that feeling of being caged in one environment for three months and not getting to see the other gender except your gender. Okay! Let me say I was irritated by their presence. That mentality of "can't it be only females living in the world". To all the wonderful guys reading this, no vex o. Igba aimo ni (days of ignorance). Now I know better.

Back to the story...

I felt irritated by the other gender so relationship was a no for me, however, I was best at suggesting gifts for my friends to buy for their boyfriend on val's day. Call me "Mobola Surprises". Hmmmm! Rhema just dropped o. Business idea ti wa online! Una go collect

I'd sit and watch all my friends display their "love-me, I-love-you" shenanigans in class. The blush on their cheeks when reading the love letter their boyfriend sent them nko, Kai! The unboxing of gifts was something else too. On days like this, I'd gladly lay my head on my locker and sleep because I couldn't wrap my head around someone being so excited because of a guy.

It still doesn't stop me from advising them when the relationship has its hiccups. Emi adviser aye! If to say I have sense then ni I'd have opened a counseling center: Mobola Counsels. See how business ideas just went down the drain. I blame Desmond Elliot.

Not to bore you with details, I became friends with the guys shortly before we graduated. 

That was during the days of 2go. I think I deserve an "aunty" from you if you didn't reach ultimate on 2go. Our friendship grew and we all migrated to whatsapp where we created a group chat. We were only few that were single then. The rest were dating one another. 

E no concern me. I was single and carrying my singleness with pride. Temptations and oppression here and there but I'm not moved. My eyes remain on the goal.

One day...

My friend's boyfriend came to me and ask that we play a prank on my friend inorder to know how much she trusted me. I saw no big deal in it since I could bet with my life that she trusted me and knew what I can/cannot do. Six years of friendship no be joke na.

The prank? I was to change my dp to his picture while he does same, then change our bio to something that reflected that we were dating. Also, I was to act it on the group and make it look real. It was funny but I accepted. In my mind I was like my friend wouldn't buy into this cheap prank. She'd know it's not real.

If only I knew...

The news carrier saw it and informed her. She didn't believe at first until she saw my d.p and bio. She summoned courage to ask me and I affirmed it was true, telling her good things weren't meant for her alone.

Someone should hold my cup lemme laugh small 😂

Oluwa o! Friendship in the mud. Malice ti wa online. The agborodun (fight my battle for me) association were not left out. Na so so hiss and abuse at every corner in school. Juniors nko! The matter reach their side too.

If our school had a weekly bulletin then, I knew the headline would have been: FCS PRESIDENT SNATCHES HER FRIEND'S BOYFRIEND.

I don't know if the guy is remembering and laughing too as I write. Well, thank God we let in two of my friends and his friends know about the initial plan so they were able to clear our name. Plus thank God for receipt. I had to stop the prank before fellowship panel summon me and collect my title. Nothing can make me derail from this heavenly goal. Emi daughter of Zion

If it were you, what would you have done? Drop your comments, let's laugh together.

Till I remember more throwback,



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