Right from my dream, I've seen pictures of how I should slay today. That sweet moment when you have your clothes figured out in your head and you can't wait to sway your beautiful portable body that Jesus gave you. But the unexpected happened! The clouds began to gather and rain was imminent. I didn't want to imagine what will happen. It poured and eventually stopped and daughter of Zion set out.

I need to commend the weather today. It really did a good job soothing my skin compared to the scorching sun lately. However, the odds of living in an area that is susceptible to flood is annoying but I can't say rain should not fall. Although that's the least annoying thing that happened. I was walking gently and trying as much as possible to avoid any stain when this bike man came from nowhere and splashed water on me (one of the perks of rainfall in Lagos). Kai! My beautiful cloth was in ruin. Spontaneously, I had carried my big umbrella and hit him on the head just like an old school man would do. If he refused to have sense, then I can do well by knocking some sense into him. I bet you, he wasn't expecting. Lol. The day they'd beat me in this Lagos ehn. 

Sometimes one has to drop the gentle body at home and be mad in this Lagos. We both scored 1-1.

That is not the reason I write today. On my way to work, after all the whole bike man drama, I met this woman with her two kids. She was ranting heavily and loudly while she walked past me. I am very sure you are curious to know what she was ranting about.

Her daughters were willing to go to school but the father was not ready to sponsor them. From her ranting, I could deduce she's not educated but she holds education in a high esteem; which is very good if you ask me. According to him, he does not have money and it will be better for them to go hawking to fend for their education. I was devastated! Both kids should be around 7 and 9 respectively. Isn't it annoying to still have someone with that kind of mentality is this generation? I thought staying in Lagos comes with a certain exposure.

But that is the reality of the country we live in, especially when it comes to marriage, procreation and taking care of the family. Most women these days are now men. Yes, you heard me right. They take up the responsibility of being a father and a mother to the kids which is quite overwhelming.

Having kids who are passionate about school but has no one to sponsor them is an excruciating situation because there is every tendency for these kids to be subject to abuse, maltreatment and other sorts of vices inorder to fend for themselves. Situations like this forms up their subconscious and give rise to a number of adult who are deformed and see bad as normal. This in turn have a negative impact on the country.

Maybe, just maybe, if fathers or broadly speaking, parents, are more responsible and fend for their kids, we'd have less street urchins. See ehn! I will keep reiterating it that having a child goes far beyond donating a sperm.

Eyin baba wa, have you ever wondered why most children love their mothers? It goes beyond the popular saying of mothers carried them in her womb and breastfed them; atleast we've seen children who hates their mothers despite all that. There is nothing more to it than the way both parties handle situation pertaining to the child. 

For instance, this said woman was ranting but at the same time reassuring her kids that they'd go to school: finish primary, secondary, university and serve and that they won't become useless. At that moment, she may not have anything but that reassurance will keep ringing in the hearts of those kids unlike the father who chased them away outrightly. Children are not blind, deaf or dump. Neither are they oblivious to what is happening around them. 

Funny enough, it is this kind of father that would come with massive agbada on his children's success day.

Gbogbo eyin baba wa, you all can do better. Be part of your children's success story. Don't go missing at their transformation age and come back begging when the soup is done.

What do you have to say to this growing menace of some father's shying away from their responsibilities? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

Ire o!

With love from,



  1. I still don't understand the Yoruba adage that says
    "Iya ni wura, Baba ni jigi"
    Mothers are compared to gold while fathers are compared to mirror.

    In today's world mothers are gold and at the same time mirror.

    Mothers are now the reflection of what their children are

    1. It is so disheartening that most men are now shying away from their responsibilities.


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