Picture credit: Clip art library

Have you ever been in a phase where everything that seems interesting to you becomes shadow?

Yes, I have been there and I can relate perfectly; atleast a 99.9%.

Underutilization of one's skill or ability, so to say, can be a determining factor in relegating one to a depressed state. 

This kind of phase is quite different from the usual because it doesn't have to do with pay nor work environment. It is a bit tilted towards having to deal with same routine everyday when one can actually explore.

That feeling of "I can do better than this or be somewhere expressing my potential" but caged in a corner where it is hard to leave. The saddest thing is this feeling begins so little which makes it almost impossible to decipher until it's become a large sore to deal with it.

Is it then okay to be bombarded with so much workload? Absolutely not!

Everything in life requires balance and one's work-life, including other facet of life, is not excluded. Just like the popular saying "all works and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Likewise all play and no work makes Jack unfulfilled.

Some months before I began my service year, it was evident that I was not my usual self; not even my blog or picture taking could give me that happiness/shelter I needed. I remembered how I crave so hard to get something doing, atleast that would save me from the normal routine I was used to.

Service year came, however, I have come to realize that I was leaving a routine only to get used to another routine. Needless to say, this is an unending circle which when not taken care of becomes a determinant to depression. 

I would share some tips I learnt from my therapy session for the sake of others going through such phase. This include:

When in such phase, go back to the past. Make sure to relish those beautiful times; only beautiful memories. As for me, I went back to my blog as suggested by my therapist, and read the whole 60+ contents. I was in another world entirely by the time I finished reading them. It boosted my morale. The reviews, comments came in handy. Thereafter, I said to myself that denying the world of this beauty and killing this wonderful talent is not a good idea. 

Trying one's hands on  something interesting. As simple as this sounds, it is quite hard because the motivation won't be there at all. I remember close acquaintance telling me to write my way out of this phase or better still document it but sadly, each letter felt like arabic. I couldn't bring myself to write a correct sentence; I was blank. Totally blank. But still I wrote. The words were incoherent, however, it didn't stop me from writing something although I didn't share because I was not confident enough.

Receive gifts; don't be afraid to ask. Those close to me will know how much I love to send people gifts even from the little I have without expecting anything in return. But during this phase, I wanted to be pampered, to receive gifts from someone as a reminder that I am special. It was difficult to ask but I did anyways. Call it billing or whatever. Is it that I can't afford it at the moment? No, I just wanted to experience the feeling that comes with someone getting me something. Boom! I got it and it even came with a note. I was happy. I can't say when last I smiled geniunely like that. So yeah, gifts have a way of elevating our souls.

Weeew! I would have loved to continue but I need everyone to contribute. Kindly share your thoughts and tips on how to overcome work-related or any other kind of depression. I will be in the comment section learning too.

Remember, you might be helping someone by doing so.

Till I write again, I remain,



  1. This is inspiring. Really. There are times I feel so out of touch with everything including my blog and my environment. However reliving memories as you mentioned really helped to boost my interest.

    Reliving the past could be a two way street, the high and lows. I let myself feel them over and over again. Cried a little but it felt good. In those times, I tried to write the little I could, for myself though and I barely share them like you too. It can be really at times yet it can get better. Thanks for this.

    1. Thank you for this, Zoe. I'm really happy you can relate.

  2. You could also find someone to beat...works all the time!

    1. You had to bring your violentino behavior here😥

    2. This was interesting to read. I needed this, I really did. I’m glad you were brave enough to share this. I hope you are feeling better now and if you aren’t, I hope you get better soon.

    3. I'm gradually getting out of that hole; it's not been easy but I'm surely getting there.

      Likewise I'm so happy I was able to reach out. I hope we all find the happiness we truly deserve soon.

  3. I hope you are feeling better. It's not easy. Depression and its family can hit us when we least expect it.

    Doing something out of your routine can help. Like stopping to get ice cream or video calling a friend.

    Also affirmations and positive can go a long way

    1. Thanks for sharing those amazing tips.

      I'd work on hanging out with friends more.


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