CAMP TALES (Episode 3)

14th November

Dear people,

Today in camp was very interesting as I am getting used to the environment although I haven't gotten used to the camp food. Blame my tummy for that: it keeps rejecting the food. 

As for the morning meditation, I would say it is not easy waking up very early and subjecting oneself to cold all in the name of serving one's fatherland. But do we have an option? The clarion call has been made and we need to obey. Guess what? I escaped the morning drill and parade today. No, I didn't run away. My platoon was scheduled for morning lecture so all we did was to sit down, listen and of course, press our phone cautiously like a thief.

Ehn ehn! I must not forget the boring three hours lecture we had. I slept, woke up and slept again. At some point, I wasn't even listening because my comedian platoon inspector kept entertaining us with jokes. After which we went for break: the break lasted for two hours. Trust me to have catch some sleep. Baby girl was about seeing the welcome to Lagos signboard when I heard the sound of our greatest enemy: the trumpet. I had no option but to jump out of bed and run to the parade ground.

The parade took a different turn today as the state commandant was not too happy with our progress. He already signed ten punishments into law, to be given to erring corp members. Needless to say the race has just begun and we need to buckle down.

As a result of the scolding, the RCM changed towards us and handled us with iron hands. Mehn! Na today I know say parade no be moi moi. You needed to see people fainting. In fact, let me call it a fainting spree and these people didn't even look there. They continued calling order.

"Pre shun!" Went the voice of the RCM with a tone of seriousness while other soldiers looked out for erring corpers and fall them out.

Kai! You need to see the tension in the air. Sweat kept rolling like stream on the faces of each corp members while the soldiers laughed on at our naivety.

But wait o! I didn't faint. That means I'm stronger than I think.

However, the good news is that today is welcome party. Let's go and gbese and carry body. 

Did I eventually gbe body? No! Daughter of Zion was extremely tired and all she could do was sit and look away.

Nawa for who wan collect 33k o! 😭


  1. Wahala for who wan collect 33kπŸ˜‚

  2. Quite interesting. The fainting spree indeed!

  3. For your mind o, who told you you're strong? Biko,when do I start getting my share of your 33k? That is importanter

    1. I am strong in the Lord!

      Share? At this point, I don't understand English

  4. Lol. na real wa. Service is another world on its own

  5. Wahala be like bicycle in camp. My camp was the best orientation in the federation ( Ogun) πŸ₯°πŸ˜„ but they can frustrate your life with activities. Especially the nonsense parade. I don't miss camp at all jare...... We movee

    1. I'd rather pick Osun state camp as the best.

      I don't miss camp too


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