I managed to take pictures after taking a break for a while (errrrm that while is just a week by the way). All pictures were looking so good but a particular picture struck a different cord in me. It was that I was smiling so genuinely and from deep down my heart. The sight of that picture made me smile again while I traveled down memory lane. And I will be relating that to the present happenings in Nigeria.

I do not even know what a smile looked like by this time last year. Having to keep up with writing a project, attending classes and preparing for examination was traumatizing enough not to talk of constantly facing a supervisor whose sole objective was to dehumanize and suck out all self confidence acquired over the years.

Whatsoever morale you have leaves immediately you step into that block. It was so bad that closing the door behind means dropping one's humanity, assuming that of trash and suddenly becoming deaf and dumb because everything you say/do would be used against you...

At this crucial time, depression and I were lovers even though I had to keep a straight face in public.

These are people meant to guide and correct in love but have suddenly turned to monsters who relegate people to the background, disrobe them of their humanity and kill every form of self confidence. Yes, they are not in possession of physical arms but their mouth and disposition have killed a lot of morale.

Well, it is a year after and I survived although not everyone is privileged. Some still bear the scars and suffer from low self esteem.

The rot in this country is far beyond just one sector but as the proverbial saying goes "ti igi ba wo lu igi, ti oke ori e ni akoko ma yo" which when translated on the surface means if a tree falls on each other, we remove the one on top first. Needless to say, the one we are dealing with is more pressing. 

The silence of the older generation has made things so unbearable and left us in this deplorable conditions. I keep wondering about all the what ifs. Maybe we would not be in this state if they have spoken up and took  necessary actions.

But one thing to be happy about is we inherited silence from the older generation, however, we chose to discard such inheritance and build a voice for ourselves, which is absolutely commendable.

The volcano, just like Omilola said, have erupted! And the silence culture is over.

Definitely we would look back  someday, and be proud of our actions. We would smile while we sit back and enjoy but before then, we need to keep the tempo and continue to soro soke!

Till our voices are heard, I remain,



  1. How these events can be linked to typical human behavior a man been scolded by his wife for infidelity or bad parenting he has been caught red handed but he chose to give her and his children the silent treatment when the children gets to a certain age and soro soke obviously the man wouldn't be full of that energy forever.
    The analogy is Nigeria leaders is that man presently and we know he has gotten to that we keep on Speaking Up!


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