Precisely five years ago, I made a decision to leave my parent's parish to another one. Well, a typical African mother would refuse me such decision because it was not to be heard of, moreover, I was still so young but my mum had no issue with it. She understood the concept of 'every man for himself' in Christianity. 

I could remember the smile on her face the day I told her due to some underlying reasons. Whichever way, she just wanted me to leave the house every Sunday morning and be committed.

Did I find committed where I went to? Of course yes! But that is not the main reason I write today.

Prior to last Sunday, the burning urge to go to church was not there at all. This is the case of many worshippers since worship centers resumed. Readjusting to Sunday routines after five months of break is not so easy. 

I summoned courage and went but something happened and I had to leave for my parent's parish. As expected, mum and a whole lot of others were surprised to see me. If you ask me, I looked like the prodigal son that came back home to his father. Lol

To cut the story short, I felt something rekindled in me; more like a spark which I needed greatly at that time and after service, I went back to my parish with energy.

A lot actually happened but I would not want to bore you with stories. More reason, I summarized it.

Sometimes, we feel so disconnected at something we love doing. It is to be expected. The passion level for an assignment drops as we proceed. It is like a writer aiming to produce a book. There are times the motivation level will be high and you keep writing and writing; giving yourself more reasons you need to let out that gold to the world. 

Likewise, there are times the level of motivation will be so low that you feel like tossing the manuscript aside or even dumping the entire project.

We are but humans and it is to be expected. All you need to do when you feel this way is retrace your step to the root and remind yourself why you embarked on that journey in the first place. 

Yes, the simple antidote is going back to the root and tackling the problem.

This has proven efficient overtime.

I love you and want you to reach your maximum goal hence, the reason I am writing this. Do not read this as some form of ritual reading. Read with understanding, digest and take actions.

By the way, have you spoken to someone about Mobola Writes today? You need not hoard these beautiful contents. It might be the best gift you will give to someone going through some phase. Kindly endeavour to share to at least one person.

Have a fruitful Tuesday!

Till you read from me again, I am,



  1. Retracing steps has always proven efficient especially in times of disconnection and discombobulation in thoughts and reasons.
    We always owe ourselves one duty to always remember the road that leads us "home"
    Home can mean anything could mean peace, a successful project, etcetera.
    Remembering the road is retracing our steps whenever we are lost. Thank you Mobola

    1. Home is peace and genuinely that has been comforting over the years.

  2. True👌
    However retracing ones step might bring about some demons you feel should be best buried 😔

    1. Exactly but it's still up to us to let that demon posses us sometimes we are caught up in the moment and the demons find a way to sneak in that's alright after all we are not perfect but the difference between then and now is you now know who you are and the demon can't stop you not even a reincarnated one 🤗

    2. I believe this is where our ability to sieve out the dust comes in.


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