Gaming, for me, is an avenue to escape the harsh realities of life. Although the problem still persist thereafter but that temporary escape does the magic at times. It provides the needed break and allows the brain to refresh.

Mobola decided to play games to relief the tension building up in her after the president's speech that left everyone speechless yesterday. I kept scaling smoothly from one level to another till I got stuck on a level. Typical me would not quit that game till I passed that level; I love games like that so I tend to pick challenging ones. 

But the harder I tried, the more I failed. It was funny because I had played like twenty levels without encountering difficulties but this particular one seemed like it came prepared, singing Mario theme song underneath "nibi loma ku si..." There are times I was so close to winning but a single move would destroy everything. I was eager to win so I did not bother to calculate my move.

The game and I is a virtual representation of what happens between an individual and life. Life represents the game while we are the player. Sometimes, the levels are so simple that we keep moving from one level to another with no difficulty while other times, it present us with a very difficult level that exhaust our energy, leave us questioning our ability and capability. At such times, life keeps redirecting us to that same level and it would not just launch us into another level no matter how hard we try.

This difficult phase occurs not to threaten us but to enable us appreciate life the more. Things we laboured for are better appreciated. There is every tendency I would have lost interest in that game if everything was too easy and not challenging - I am very sure of this.

In the same vein, difficulties have its positive side when observed closely. It stretches us beyond limit and instill the ability to plan, strategize and restrategize as against acting irrationally. Perhaps I would still be stuck on the same level if I was only particular about wining and not taken time to study the game's rudimentary and calculate my moves carefully.

However, what proved as difficulty for me might be the simplest for another. It is life and she can decide to set up her game anyway she wants with different difficulty level. Moreover, scaling through such difficulty solely depends on individual personality and intelligence and ability to maneuver things or think critically before taking a step.

I wish to write more but I would stop here, however, I will leave everyone with this. Our difficulty level differs although the game might be the same. Thus, develop your own strategy to win.

Kindly leave your thoughts in the comment box.

N.B The stammering Moses is still stammering but his words are currently taking form. Thanks to sponsors who have responded. And to others who have not, we are still expecting. I really cannot wait to release this beauty to the world.

Also, a new Nigeria is eminent. Do not give up!

Till I write again,



  1. Life has always been a game from the start. How we play, determination to play and persistence is what keeps us going. This is quite insightful, thank you.

  2. Truly,life is a game and we are the player...

    1. Yes. How we play is dependent on our ability.

  3. Life is truly a game. And different levels present different difficulties. You have a big point. Instead of focusing on how to leave, focus on what you are learning

  4. "Variation" this topic in modern biology always catches my fancy. Morphological and physiological variation are the most common types of variation. We are all gifted with unique abilities and our level of wisdom, confidence, exposure, emotional intelligence, strength and other qualities differ to beat life at it's game we have to learn to harness our qualities because we operate at different levels.
    I want to categorically state that Mr A level 15 is different from Mr B level 15 and Mr A may have encountered Mr B level 10 as his level 6
    The bottom line is winning.
    Thank you.

    1. Variation! I there's a topic like that in Mathematics also. I can't really say because maths and I are not good friends.

      Reading your comment makes me come up with this rhetorical question: can one win against life?


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