The Stammering Moses

The Stammering Moses

The stammering Moses is synonymous to leadership. They are individuals with inbuilt potentials to lead a cause or lead people into the promise land. The promise land here refers to productivity. Also, they are perfectly sculptured with the ability to lead under any condition; whether adversely or positively. In simple terms, they cannot afford to fail.

The stammering Moses, just like many individuals, entrepreneurs, business owners and thought leaders, is a visionary with accurate ability to see the needs of others, set his needs aside in order to profer solution; however, has a disqualifying attribute.

A disqualifying attribute can be termed as that sole attribute that makes one think (s)he is not capable of carrying out a particular assignment or task. In order words, a disqualifying attribute is a deficiency, an hurdle or a stumbling block between one's assignment and the promise land (achievements/productivity). 

For instance, a speaker's disqualifying attribute may be glossophobia: inability to speak to a large crowd or speech disorder such as stammering. Besides, it could be lack of fund to organise captivating seminars.

Human beings differ and so is our personality and our attribute. While some may be dealing with a disqualifying attribute as basic as lack of motivation to embark on a productive journey, others may be dealing with something as huge as mental laziness. Well, you may be surprised I called laziness, huge. 

The truth of the matter is mental laziness is classified as a disease which is as serious as the common deadly diseases we all know. But for the purpose of this project, I will be subsequently discussing a disqualifying attribute common to the entire human race. 

A disqualifying attribute common to humans is excuse. Excuse is an explanation designed in such a way to avoid getting something done. The fruit of an excuse is usually sweet at the initial stage but becomes sour and eventually creates a barrier. 

The stammering Moses disqualifying attribute is usually wrapped under the excuse of their deficiency. Excuse(s) cripple productivity and hide one's knowledge in a cave. It limits an individual's ability to embark on thought-provoking processes or achieving something worthwhile.

It is then safe to say as procrastination is a killer of time so is excuse a killer of productivity.

However, despite this deficiency, the Stammering Moses must not fail to lead the Israelites out of Egypt (land of the unknown).

In Practice

° Think deeply and identify your disqualifying attribute (s). It could be one or more.

That will be all for this session. Thanks for taking your time to read through. I hope you learnt one or two things. If so, feel free to share in the comment section. I will be waiting!



  1. Wow. I learnt a lot. Excuse is one of the biggest inhibitors to achieving our potentials

  2. Babe you did well this not short of astounding

  3. "The stammering Moses" the perfect title for this article. Well a school of thought once said "Excuse is what history never accepts." Therefore we're charged to take responsibility when necessary we all know even in a ship of captains one captain must captain the ship to it's destination same for a fleet of pilots two pilots must fly the plane that doesn't make the other captains or pilots less or no leaders there is a Moses in everybody we all can lead at the various points in our lives where it matters most.
    The limitations of life are constant variables it becomes a choice to stay in Egypt or move to your Promise Land!
    Thank you.

    1. Everyone is a leader depending on the way we develop certain skills.

      Thanks for taking out time to read!

  4. Ku ise Mobola👏👏👏
    Detailed and well informed piece.
    This reminds me vividly of a seminar I attended on creative writing and the curator said "excuses are well planned lies"
    A part of me was like this man should stand there and be yarning dust, but an inner voice reminded me that there had been times I truly did make excuse that were not sensible, thus I was trying to defend my shortcomings by lying to myself in form of excuses.
    Just like you stated, excuses kills time just as much as procrastination does, in fact I think they are siblings because excuses which we make to escape some sort of responsibility leads to procrastination thereby reducing productivity or making it non existence.

    1. I can't agree less. The presence of one indicates the presence of the other. They both work hand in hand.


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