The lockdown saw to the emergence of various writers; both skilled and unskilled. While some wrote as a means of dishing out values and showing their creative expertise, others wrote just so to escape boredom. It is very evident that the outcome of these two motives for writing would differ from each other.

Lately, I've read a whole lot from different writers and there are issues to be addressed. Some are great writers, wielding their pen creatively in order to impact the populace positively. On the other hand, others write with so much redundancy and repetition and no creative subject matter. Some even go as far as subconsciously intimidating their readers. Well, you read that right!

This is not me condemning writers. I understand very clearly the writing process and how rigorous it can be but also, the readers should not be neglected. There are principles to writing.

Therefore, this goes out to readers. There are times depression sets in with no known cause and one keeps wondering how it came to be. It is interesting to note that the content, as little as they may be, you feed yourself with can lead to depression unconsciously. That's the power of words! Learn to filter the contents you read. Sometimes, writers play with words and can't help but blow their trumpet, however, what worked for Mr A may not work for Mr B.

Writing is an art, likewise a gift. Also, decoding/interpreting a written message is art. Nevertheless, one can't boycott the role of the subconscious when it comes to reading and interpreting.

Happy weekend!

Till I write again,


  1. Okay this is a good step about writing been an art I totally agree with you.
    In fact I agree with what you have said.
    I would love to make a few additions
    As far writing is concerned we have different categories of writers apart from been skilled or unskilled we have writers that write for different purposes which would determine the content of such work.
    When a poet write about down moments effortlessly although he or she may be far from been depressed could be writing it for a space or a particular group of audience.
    Writing is no doubt an art and I can't agree less that negative content contributes to a repugnant community it's finds a way to cripple the hub of a thriving society.
    But as readers we have a lot to play in this dance we should try to filter and feed our selves with healthy contents
    As an African proverb which I coined would say
    "Not everything sold in the market is meant to be bought"
    Not every food good or bad is meant to be consumed that's the same with the writing space.
    For the under skiled writers I would strongly encourage them to take a step of learning especially if it's for commercial and professional use.
    For others who aren't still great in writing that are using it as a leisure cruise you can still learn basic writing skills.
    We all write for different reasons but we should write to make a difference!
    Thank you Mobola.

    1. "Not everything sold in the market should be bought"

      This got me.

  2. Hmm. This is true. The amount of information we consume is limitless. Filtering helps steer us in the right direction

  3. Hmm. This is true. The amount of information we consume is limitless. Filtering helps steer us in the right direction

  4. Mo agree pa, writing is indeed a skill that should be improved. Once abandoned, it will rust.
    As for reader, hmmmmnnn 😒 sadly, most people have become slaves to what they read. They do not have the ability sieve though what they read. Every read is taken in hook, line and sinker

    1. We really can't blame them. Everyone is aiming to improve themselves and keep up with the society and as a result, they devour all they see


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