After a lot of dancing, stress and hard time creating contents, I decided to take a nap. 

It was not one needed but it was the only way to avoid the emptiness I was feeling from within at that time. Moreover, it was a sort of temporary escape from reality. 

I woke up, with voice gone and headache; I was more weak than when I slept although this time, it was more of body and physical weakness than that of mental exhaustion I felt earlier. 

I sat down in a corner with phone in hand when a subtle knock on the door jolted me back to reality. It was my neighbour's daughter. 

First of, she noticed how dark the room was and could not help but question why it was dark and why I was alone. I was not in for questioning and I guess she noticed my mood but I could not ignore her. 

As a form of response, I told her everyone is out plus I just woke up. 

Guess what she did

She hugged me and said "Aunty Bola, I miss you and I just came to check up on you" then left afterwards. Coming from a girl barely five years old, my heart did melt. It was the cutest thing ever and heaven knows I needed it at that particular time. 

Sometimes, one can't fathom the innocence of kids. They just have this aura you cannot resist.

Often times, we spend time trying to draw strength from adults who are saddled with a lot of responsibilities and barely have time. It is not our fault but the way the society is wired. However, strength can come from anywhere: even from a five years old kid. Adulthood is scary enough not to receive the extended arms of love from kids.

Stop being rigid and expecting strength, comfort, happiness from one source. It can come from that little source you pay less attention to.

In what way/form have you gotten strength from that shocked you? 

Do leave your comments in the comment section.

Happy independence day in advance!

Till I write again,



  1. Thissssss ✨

    One of such experiences that come to mind at this time is one moment when a thought-leader randomly sent a text of appreciation to me for being a source of inspiration to her.

    1. Wow! That's a whole lot. An indication that high profile individual draws strength from their fofollowers too.

  2. I've experienced this kinda aura especially from my aunt's little daughter, Wendy. Her voice and show of concern alone eliminates all my worries.
    But You spoilt this interesting read with that happy blah blah blah

    1. Your love for children can't be quantified.

  3. The only way i used to get strength is through money as a gift buh quite unfortunate its very rare nowadays..

    1. 🤣 ogbeni I like your strength motivator oooo

    2. Both of you ehn! Sorry about that. The country is hard and everyone is struggling to make ends meet.

      Money is not everything though. There are numerous ways to draw strength from.

  4. It's quite strange too what is certain is everyone gets to that point when they are exhausted from everything.when I was in deep romance with breaking down I take a step back and look at animals the birds of the air, domestic animals they are no different from us look at how a hen protects her chicks from the hawk for example that could mean different things for different people.
    Children also brings out the light as little and tender their minds may be they can perform lots of wonder...I have categorically had an heart to heart discussion with a little boy not because I needed his advice or comments but I just needed to be heard without disturbance or the partial listening syndrome we see these days
    Quite frankly everyone is busy but it's not that bad.
    Thank you.


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