Josephine O. Ogufere writeup on Online Publishers and Entrepreneurs Network about stairs and elevator inspired me to write this. You can read more about hers using the link:


Stairs and elevator are two different medium an individual can use to get to the top. Nevertheless, both produces different outcomes even though they are similar in nature.

More often than not, people prefer to use the elevator and avoid the stairs because it is stressful and time taking not considering the numerous benefits that comes with taking the stairs.

This is mostly the case when it comes to success and achievements. Elevator enables you to attain your success in a very fast and convenient pace, however, eliminating the process of growth which is a necessary requirement for sustainability.

On the other hand, stairs seem stressful but it drags you through various stages of growth needed for sustaining success, build your network along the line and allow you to move at your own pace.


Remember how you sweat when taking the stairs the last time?

That's it! Taking the stairs gives room for mental exercise that allows you to sweat out ideas needed for nation building.

There is every probability you will run into trouble when your success aligns with the stairs and you decide to take the elevator or vice versa.

A typical example is when I decided to write a memoir. I had tried to boycott the stairs and use the elevator, that is, I wanted something more than just posting writeups everyday even though I was not fully prepared for that journey. I had written close to nine thousand words and I was really happy with myself. I had pictured people reading the book and getting to know more about me which would in turn give me the needed recognition. But guess what?

My phone crashed beyond repair the morning after; even before I could upload it on drive for safekeeping. Thus, I lost a wonderful piece and I discovered that others are doing it doesn't mean it aligns with your purpose. I am a stairs person and taking the elevator cost me a lot.

If you would ask me, I will say I learnt a great lesson.

As individuals, our callings and purposes are different. Some people's calling requires taking the elevator for speed while others require the stairs in order to help people along the line. It's a matter of choice and knowing fully well what works for you.

Are you a stairs or elevator person? Let me know in the comment section.

Happy Monday!


  1. It's easier to classify one's self as a stair or an elevator but in reality we all love the fast track.
    In progression we ought to understand the purpose of the progress it's relevance to our development.
    We should also know when to switch from the stairs to the elevator vice versa
    Because some stages requires a little bit of elevation from others, other stages may also require building and sweating it out.
    That's where discernment comes in.
    Nice piece, thanks for sharing.

    1. Understanding of one's self and purpose and the medium to take leads to less failure.

      My pleasure!

  2. Hmm. Very important piece. Eye opening too. I am a stairs person. I enjoy working for something and reaping later. There is always beauty and growth in working smart to get something

    1. You believe in slow and steady wins the race. Quite fantastic!

      Thank you for reading

  3. Biko, I like the elevator way die. You can relate to faculty of arts na😉 However, it is not for one to decide at times if he/she is an elevator or stairs person because different situation demand different approach regardless of your type of person


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