I will try as much as possible not to sound like a motivational speaker because I am not one and it takes a whole lot of professionalism to attain that feat.

Thinking far back now, I would probably had laughed out so loud if someone had told I would fall in love with writing. Writing, to me, was an unattainable goal. I considered it very complex and the dos and don't were all just too much for me to comprehend. As we are aware that there are basically four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing; I will still choose writing over speaking despite its complexity.

You must be wondering in your mind that I am a weird fellow. Of course, I am. Being normal is boring.

I do understand that every skills has its own area of complexity, in which writing and other communication skills is not exempted, however, as individual we are always willing to bend to the tenets of one than the other.

Writing started off as a discipline for me. It took me years to discover that I can actually write. Do not get me wrong. I can write perfectly to score an A in examination, which I have been doing since the inception of my education up till the final university days but writing in that context is quite different from writing to a large audience and as such, when I started my blog I was skeptical about it. What makes sense to me may/may not make sense to the public.

How did I overcome this?

Do not rush to be heard
This is one of our very many mistakes. We believe that we need to blow immediately we start off something but things doesn't work that way. Sometimes, we barely give room for development. I remember starting off on whatsapp. It was something I love doing and wasn't so keen on having numerous "likes" but fortunately, people found it awesome and pushed for a blog.

Be open to criticism
Many a times, we are not so good with taking criticisms. Criticism is something we can't avoid whenever we are dealing with the public. Sometimes, it will be constructive while other times, people will just open their mouths and spill whatsoever is in it. A good strategy is developing thick skin and having the ability to work on some while discarding the ones that are not useful.

Be value oriented
Do not just venture into things without dishing out values. Value is a great asset this generation are in pursuit of. People are not willing to read if it is not making sense.

Above all, a thing is a discipline before it becomes pleasure. Same is the case with writing. There are some days I do not even feel like writing but have to do so because of self conditioning and discipline. Yes, it may not come out well on those days but the important thing is that I wrote and overtime, it has become a pleasure.

Always remember, DISCIPLINE before PLEASURE.

Do have a wonderful day and do not forget to leave a comment if you found value.

Till my pen bleeds again,


  1. Nice read mobola. Its been a while

  2. And I'm the first to comment!!!

  3. Discipline before pleasure (delayed gratification)is key

  4. I was expecting "people will just open their mouth waaaa"

  5. This is definitely inspirational. Discipline is very important

    1. I'm glad you find it so. Thank you for reading

  6. The world we live in has been swayed into unhealthy meditations that people tend to value money more than anything.
    There is always something to write.
    Writers in as much as we stir away from plagiarism let's not be afraid of our contents been downthrown the world would always have a story to tell you.
    Be patient
    Discipline before pleasure thank you.

    1. It's a two-way thing. Originality of contents should be emphasized and in a situation where one has to copy a content, it should be properly referenced.


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