Photo credit: Adeq8 design

Sometimes, making decisions on the spur of the moment is not the wisest thing to do - though there are times we can not help it - because we tend to regret we ever took such decisions with time. We have all been there and we should be able to relate.

One of my greatest forte was (note the word 'was') sending  my wishes across to family and friends especially when the calendar changes to a new month or a new year. I never, for once, missed it. I enjoyed it so much that I would write epistles just to usher in the new month. 

Notwithstanding, I made the decision never to wish anyone a 'happy new month' two years back due to some  circumstances I can't recall for now but I am sure it was a very great one and I have kept to my promise ever since then. Nonetheless, I reply to every happy new month messages and wishes but you would never see me sending one. I got comfortable in this new skin and it became a norm for me.

There are times I would even ignore the messages depending on my mood. I did not think it through that a part of me was dead. To me, I have made  my decision and there was no going back.

Thankfully, a friend had called my attention to it last month, made me see reasons why some decisions are not so healthy, needs to be revisited and reviewed. It is a new month and I finally wished people a 'happy new month'. It seems so little but I can't explain what I feel at the moment. Obviously, I have only been punishing myself all  this while.

Decision making is great but needs to be revisited and reviewed; especially one made at the spur of the moment due to anger, resentment or displeasure. Revisit your past decisions and make amendments where necessary.

Have you ever made an impromptu decision because you were angry and bitter towards something? How did you cope with such decisions? Kindly leave a comment

This is me wishing you all a HAPPY NEW MONTH. May the best, and only the best things, come to you this month.

Till next time,


  1. In a classical riddle question the first answer that comes to mind is always 90% wrong same thing for spur of the moment actions! A moment where anger takes us to Nirvana.
    But in statistics never underestimate 1% because it can cause a great shift in equilibrium.
    What I'm trying to say is the remaining 10% sometimes comes with a fair share of satisfaction and gladness.
    It's very risky to gamble between 90:10.
    Better to calm down and make those decisions.
    Amazing woman!...@Mobola.

    1. I read economics at some point but I was able to deduce the message therein.

      Thank you!

  2. New month blessings to us all.

    Over the years, what I have discovered is that. It actually does not pay to take decisions while in a tensed up situation. Whatever you tend to decide then might possibly not be the best thing you should.

    So I learn to take my time, look at the pros and cons of whatever decision I want to make before eventually taking it.

    In the long run it's advisable to revisit those decisions as time and tide changes and it might not worth it anymore.

    The best thing is to let peace lead and reign!

    Thank you B

    1. Thank you for reasoning same with me.

      Maybe the world would be a better place if we take our time before taking decisions.

      You're welcome, Drey.

  3. Is the world ending? You said thanks and not grand. That's something to note, really.


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