It is no longer news that the environment we find 
ourselves in play a vital role in our formation and in our decision making process albeit this can be consciously or unconsciously.

I remember hating the concept of "fa" which is popularly used among the people of Kwara. The word "fa" is usually added to the end of every sentence. It is like a necessary ingredient and the funniest part is that it is used by both the educated and non-educated. I really cannot pinpoint the origin or the specific history behind it but I do know you cannot escape hearing it from an indigene of Kwara state or someone who's lived there for some couple of years.

As luck would have it, my secondary school education was in Kwara state and I was careful enough not to pick the "fa" syndrome but I doubt if one could help it. It was not evident in my speech for the first two years, however, I became a pro in it as time went by. 

The shock on my sister's face when she heard me say "fa" on one of the holidays could not be quantified. In fact she did not fail to express her irritation at any slight opportunity. 

When analysed properly, it is glaring that I hated the concept but unconsciously picked it up and imbibed it into my speech because of the environment I find myself in. Also, 'fa' is a norm widely accepted in the Kwara society, however, the concept meet with stiff resistance in Lagos society.

How then do I strike a balance between both environment without one hindering or affecting the other?

This explains what happens in some settings; official or unofficial. You find yourself in the midst of those who share different values and you are saddled with the responsibility of not joining and remaining straight, faithful and truthful to your course.

But can one actually overcome the influence of the environment on one's value?

Maybe or maybe not. Although it subconsciously eats deep like a parasite would to its host.

I am quite sure you must have been wondering why I keep hammering on environment these past few days. You will find out soon.

Do you have a particular habit you unconsciously picked up from the environment you found yourself and willing to share? Kindly leave a comment in the comment box.

Till Cynthia appears again, 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whao! I'm the first to comment today 🤸🤸🤸 usually the last or second to the last, so oooo.... I have kinda accepted my position with grace and splendor😌

    1. Hurray! You deserve a cup of zobo

    2. Biko, send my cup of zobo ooo.... Infact make it a bottle 😌

  3. 🤣 I remember one time like that after secondary school, visited my big mum at Ibadan for 1 week and before I could even say fa, I don dey speak Ibadan Yoruba🤣

    However, presently I'd like to stop the habit of drinking my garri with the shaft instead of sieving it. I picked up this habit in secondary school, as per everyone said it makes the garri sweeter and we no even get time to be sieving fa 🤣🤣

    1. I think I can relate to this. Sieving equals wasting of time for me. God help me

  4. Lol that explains why I've not had a hair cut over what seems like month. It is as they say: humans are like sponges and unwittingly imbed the qualities around them. But what you can learn you can also unlearn.

  5. Every space is an avenue to pick up new qualities consciously and unconsciously....the social media is not exempted.
    Wonderful piece Mobola

  6. Sometimes, being able to blend with the environment saves you and finds you favour. Nonetheless, know where to strike the balance.

    I personally can fit-in in almost anywhere I find myself. Don't call me a chameleon sha o😂😂 some say multiple personality.


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