The world, right now, can be likened to a rotten egg. So many mishaps and sad happenings here and there; we do not even know what would happen in the next minute. But we are hoping on God that the sky would be blue again.

As usual, I was surfing the internet and I stumbled on a post which was so disheartening. An elder brother stabbed his kid brother to death because of a bottle of drink; fanta. Yes, you read right. Ordinary fanta! In as much as we try to dismiss this as the devil's work, the fact still remains that sometimes, we are the devil. It is not until a man in a black apparel with horns appear. 

More often than not, humans nurse mini demons that eventually develop into full blown monsters among which is ANGER.

To me, anger is like a catalyst which fuels evil, hatred and what have you. It is so swift and easily ignited, however, it disappears as fast as lightning when it has achieved its aim leaving the host clueless and helpless.

Uncle anger leaves you charged up with adrenaline rushing through your body. You feel your whole being shaking including your fingers hence you put them in a tight fist. By this time, your eyes are red and your feet are shaking and almost immediately you get that push to do something irrational because you are on 100° and literally boiling. Funny how I can easily relate to this, right? Well, at some point in my life, I was married to uncle anger. It was so bad that an harmless greeting could fuel that little demon (anger) hiding somewhere close to my head/heart. One toxic trait was that I even go as far as throwing things.

Let me quickly share this short story. My friend could not make it to school due to some circumstances and I had to fill in the gap for her. Although the stress was doubled on my part, I still tried pushing on until this particular day. The stress got too much and I placed a call through to her with uncle anger taking control. I was red, boiling and shaking at the same time. Eventually she picked and just like a programmed robot, I began to whip her with words until she faintly said "Bola, I am dying". I felt this sudden cold from my head down to my feet. My reasoning that had eluded me came back into play and I realised that I could have done better by asking about her welfare instead of pouncing on her. Where was uncle anger by then? Absolutely nowhere to be found but the deed was done. That is exactly how this thing works; it leaves you with an unforgettable and regrettable memory. Immediately, I signed the divorce papers! I could not go on with uncle anger anymore. I have been actively trying to caution myself afterwards even though I still shout.

To this end, anger can be managed.
- One simple way to achieving this is walking away rather than giving in to its pressure. This particular strategy have proven to be potent. 
- You can also try to attend anger management classes.
- Try to write instead of placing a call through to the other party when you are still hot. You can do that when you are finally calm.

Conclusively, do not give in to anger. It does nothing but destroys.

Thank you for reading. Do not hesitate to leave a comment if you have any other suggestions on how to manage or divorce one's anger. You can also leave a comment on the worst thing anger made you do.


P.S: Always remember that No means No and consent is key. Say No to Rape.

Till next time,


  1. I've never been a particularly angry person and I've never been violent. However, I am terribly emotional and that's terrible too. Research on what are dealing with and seek help.

    1. That's a good one.

      Wide range research is needed to as you've rightly stated.

  2. And, I'm first!!! 🥳🥳🥳

  3. Hmmm... Anger? Just ask the Holy Spirit to always act through you.

    1. Pastor John! Well, heaven help those who help themselves.

      The individual must have a resolution to do away with it before the holy spirit can come to play.

  4. Yeah. I read about the siblings situation. Its really terrifying. People really should learn how to control their anger and all. This is quite helpful,Vikky.

  5. Na wa o, discord everywhere. Its just annoying when you hear some people take pride in the fact that they have anger issues, just to gain self-respect. I didn't see the news but I guess he was probably just showing he could break bottle to on lookers and he ended up killing his brother. Sad.

    1. So annoying. Anger doesn't accord one respect rather it reduces one's value. I guess the most important thing is the right orientation.

    2. When it's on the negative side

  6. This is really helpful. I loved the manner at which you conveyed your message. Next time try to leave a link so your audience can read also read the news.

    1. Thank you.

      Oh! The link. I totally forgot. I'd be sure to add it next time.

  7. Anger is bimodal there is the positive anger and the negative anger
    The later is more popular than the former anger converted into positive vibes can yield amazing results!
    We could also add the anger against rape, police brutality racism and other vices as part of positive anger
    A typical example of this is when you begin a project and a group of people are really not in support of what you are doing or better put friends switching sides on you because of your personality.
    It hurts but it doesn't make you change your personality
    Your personality is your identity! It makes you angry because you taught they loved you for who you are but it been a farce
    You then work on yourself but you don't change your personality.
    The negative anger is very common this is the one Mobola carefully explained it fills you up and leaves you empty.
    Shaking fingers clenched into fists hyperventilation increased blood pressure increased pulse rate and heart rate all these variables increased does no good to the body system it can lead to death not just regrets.
    I have been a stakeholder to anger too one of my many experience would be
    We just finished eating a group of us we didn't live together but we just ate and spend time together.
    So after eating we started teasing ourselves it was something superficial at first before it got deep
    At the superficial stage it was accompanied with laughter.
    But as it got deep it started getting to me I just picked up a pen I used it to stab who was "yabbing" me i stabbed him three times at once lucky for me it didn't penetrate I used the blunt end
    The guy was just laughing I felt so empty after doing it.
    I struggled with mood swing too or bipolar disorder but I started understanding the madness cured in anger!
    It does no good but harm
    A quick word of advice with the common trend of misfortune happening in the world
    The world has become so harsh due to people changing and fully giving in to mediocrity
    We are all responsible for our actions and inactions
    I remember telling you Mobola about action and inactions
    I feel inaction and action can cause the same level of damage but inaction damage stays longer.
    Action and inaction causes anger!
    Action and inaction causes depression!
    Action and inaction causes regrets!
    Say no to RAPE!
    Say no to MEDIOCRITY!
    Say no to NEGATIVE ANGER!

    1. Thank you for shedding more light on the positive anger. I decided to concentrate more on the negative aspect of anger because that is the most common and it is gradually becoming a vile. But all thanks to you for creating a balance.

      I feel I may become a doctor through you someday due to the way you systematically analyse things.

  8. hello, what if you were rejected by a person who is dear to your heart in the period you need them most and it causes your downfall, and the person still don't want to take the blame of that.
    also will love to discuss some vital issues with you about how I can be a better writer, for I need assistance on that.
    Thank you

    1. The only constant thing in life is change. People change due to certain challenges, however, you should be able to pick up again.

      It is of no doubt that you're pained because the said person was/is so dear to you. Nonetheless, that should not be a determinant of your life. This is the best time to get up and push through towards success. I'd say overlook all what they've done and MOVE ON.

      Regarding the writing assistance, you can reach me via email omobolanletofunmi@gmail.com

  9. Anger, anger! anger? 😠😡😤
    Be angry but sin not ,the Holy Bible says. Most times we have to dig deep and find the cause before it can be solved, because the real reason why it becomes destructive is unnecessary fuels and feeds to resentment. Renowned Dr Ben Carson had extreme anger issues and until he nearly stabbed his best friend as a teenager, he didn't know how far he had gone- but thank God it was a nearly and it helped him reach out to God for help 🙏

    1. Yeah. It takes a lot of work to find the root cause and deal with it.


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