Hello lovers, I hope you had a lovely day coupled with the lovely rain. As for me, I feel cool taranranranra. You do not need to correct my lyrics.😇
It has been a long time since I last posted on "Variety Thursday" session. Oh well, I have glad tidings. I would be throwing back to a funny event that happened ten years back. I know you just screamed, lol. I do have a good memory.

Now, imagine the little version of Mobola in a pink check house wear coming into the hostel wearing a tired face, with a bucket of water on her head. Did you get the image? Yes, I trust you did. Well, we would come back to this.

Prior to that very hour, I had undergone my normal routine as a student. The school schedule was designed in a way to wear students out each day. As a student, you get to wake up by 5am and not sleep till around 10pm. Let me spell it out for better understanding. A typical routine is waking up by 5am for morning devotion, after which one would go and prepare for class. JSS 3, SS 2 and 3 starts class as early as 7am (morning lesson). Normal classes end by 2pm with an hour break while evening classes run from 3pm- 4:30pm after which labour/sport commences and ends by 5:30pm. That is not the end of the day for a boarder though. We still have to attend night prep which ends by 9pm. Then we close the day with evening fellowship which ends by 10pm. Normally, everyone is bushed by this time and we end up sleeping like a log. I took you through this journey so you could understand the mental and physical stress an average student go through everyday till the end of the term.

Remember the image I told you to hold onto earlier? Let us bring it back.
Little Mobola was so exhausted for the day and in a bid to get some rest before prep, she decided to fetch water and hit the bathroom afterwards. Little did she know a wonderful surprise awaits her in the hostel. On getting to the hostel, a senior had something to my nose unexpectedly which I inhaled subconsciously and that was it. The bucket of water on my head fell, leaving people's bed wet and I started displaying various skills; laughing uncontrollably; tapping my feet and crying at the same time. Drama started. Hostel scattered. News had spread like wild fire. Everyone was chanting Adeoye Bolanle has gone mad. I could not just explain what was going on in my head.

Apparently, this senior had taken out some laughing gas from the science laboratory without the knowledge of the laboratory prefect and master. She decided to use it on innocent juniors like me just for fun but unfortunately, it went haywire. Her sole reason for using it on me was because I was dragging my feet. Funny, isn't it? 

Well, let us just thank God it did not go out of hand. The school nurse said it went haywire because it was sudden and met with mental stress which could have led to something tragic, however, she was able to calm me down and I had long hours of sleep afterwards.

My conclusion is this though. Do not play with substances you do not know the side effects. Also, people are going through a lot which is not written on their face. Do not, all in the name of fun, try out things on people without their knowledge. It could lead to something you would live to regret.

A wonderful birthday shoutout to  John Drey and Amy Artistry. Thanks for your support. Mobola Writes wishes you a wonderful year ahead.

Till we meet again, I would be waiting for you to pass me a cup of coffee.


  1. Mehn that was mean. We have to be more considerate

    1. Yes dear. But we know what seniors back then were capable of doing. Thank goodness it didn't go out of hands and the principal didn't get to hear about it.

  2. I'm laughing really hard here🤣🤣🤣. Abi me sef don sniff laughing gas😂?

    Girl! This is some mad thing o. That's why till date I still hate rough play. Thank God you are here today, sanely.

    Pls say No to Rough Play!!!

    And yea you got me with the surprise. I feel special.

    I've got a cup of coffee for you laced with few drops of laughing gas, you go drink?😂😂😂

    1. Maybe you've been laced with laughing gas too. Laughter is contagious jawe. Laugh all you can.

      I no drink biko. Dey carry am go.

  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I'm just imagining what happened to you baby girl🤣🤣🤣🤣.
    Thank God it didn't go out of hand, like lead to death or anything really serious.
    Say no to RoughPlay.. especially in this Nigeria that a lot of mental and health issues can't be identified

    1. Thank God o else you wouldn't have me today.

      I oblige too. Say no to rough play

  4. 🤣🤣..Twas crazy back then.
    We don't rest at all

    1. At all at all o. Only heaven knew how we survived.

  5. Nobody caught it on video? 😁😁😁

    1. Bad belle gang😂

      Luckily, phone was prohibited in the hostel.

  6. The mental exposure boarding school brings cannot be overemphasized.
    Children become independent at a very tender stage which is considered very admirable.
    The system main objective is to bring the best out of children.
    Unfortunately everyone can not benefit from a system.
    But its our duty to protect the system
    This is a very terrible experience we can only talk about now because it wasn't fatal
    This was your experience
    but what we can't place for certain is other children exposure in this present generation.
    Looking above the laughing gas it could have been acid.

    1. Bring out the best? My dear, it is doing the exact opposite.

      There are more to meet the eyes than what we envisage for a boarding school.

      And yes, it could have been more fatal just because of someone's carelessness but we thank God.

  7. The mental exposure boarding school brings cannot be overemphasized.
    Children become independent at a very tender stage which is considered very admirable.
    The system main objective is to bring the best out of children.
    Unfortunately everyone can not benefit from a system.
    But its our duty to protect the system
    This is a very terrible experience we can only talk about now because it wasn't fatal
    This was your experience
    but what we can't place for certain is other children exposure in this present generation.
    Looking above the laughing gas it could have been acid.

    1. Boarding school is another world on its own.

  8. Wow... Mobola, thank God you're here. Play yen rough gan.


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