More often than not, people have asked what writing entails to me personally. It is a kind of simple question yet complicated. It is of no doubt that writing is the most complex activity out of the four language skills and it is developed with gradual but constant practice. However, beyond this surface definition, writing means different things to various individuals. Writing is fun! I would not dispute that but writing goes beyond the ability to create words with a pen on a paper. It entails committing the content of one's heart, with coordination from the brain and the hands, into a paper (paper here may be your phone or laptop's notebook).

What is writing to Mobola?
To me, writing is therapeutic and soulful. I just find that encompassing peace when I pick up my pen to write. The relationship between my pen, paper and me goes beyond being skillful at the language skill or just wanting to flex  my muscle. It has the ability to depict my mood and relay messages even without opening my mouth.

What fuels  my writings?
Writing is fueled by various factors - memories, experiences, daily encounter, lifestyles, surrounding topics to mention but a few. It is often referred to as muse. You just don't dabble into writing with no substantial fuel or backup to ignite the flames. If you do, the fire would die halfway which then means you will either have a half baked manuscript or an unintelligible writeup.

Is writing for everyone?
I wouldn't say no neither would I say yes. At some point in time, we have all written something whether formal or informal, however, we are more skillful at it than one another. Writing is an art and the end result is totally dependent on how skillfully you wield your pen.

Would you describe writing as a day thing?
Of course not! Learning to write is a gradual process and can take like forever.

At Mobola Writes, how do you captivate your readers?
Well, it depends. I try as much as possible to use the right words and context for my readers. However, this would be fruitless if they read with a disengaged mind. This is one of the major reason I post in the night - seeing that all activities have been laid to rest and they are somewhat online to relax.

How to start writing?
I would advice you not to jump the gun. Start little. A good way to start is keeping a diary. Don't just wake up one day and open a blog because people are doing it. There is more to writing such as sentence coordination, connecting thought, correct use of punctuation marks, grammaticality etc. These are ingredients that makes your writing spicy but they can not be developed in a day. It requires constant practice else your reader would be lost and disconnected on the way.

I think these basics would help you on your way to writing. You all know I love feedback, right? Good. This leads me to the question:

What is writing to you?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Hmmm... I had to take a deep sigh first.

    Just like you said, writing don't just happen accidentally.

    To me, it is precedential and geared by inspiration. I write occasionally and most times in a poetic manner. Creating my own special kind of flow of thoughts.

    Because of the much technicalities in writing I prefer engaging in speaking rather more. Nonetheless, I'm a great fan of good write ups. I am very selective when it comes to reading a write up or book. Only good writers attract me.

    And I must say Mobola is a good writer that's why I'm here reading. Lol

    1. Yeah. We all have our preference and that is the beauty of humanity.

      Thank you, Drey. The compliment goes a long way.

  2. Writing to me is your thought

    1. More like the ability to represent your thought with symbols. Well said.

  3. Hmmmm,😣
    This is my expression most times when asked what writing is to me. Being an addict to books, not just books but well written ones I find it at times amusing that I find writing a big giant that I'm not ready to face.
    I think my major trauma to writing is how disappointed I feel, when after completing a term paper, during my undergraduate study and the score come back being a shadow of what I hope for.😔 It saddens me and makes me feel maybe I'm not a good writer 🤷.

    Another amusing thing is that I help out with writing for other people, they appreciate it and even commend on how they were praised when it was submitted 😉

    So, I still I can't really give a definition to writing. It's not therapeutic for me, but I still try to do it once in a while when I feel up to it.

    1. I'm so sorry about your experience. Academic writing tends to be more difficult because of the criteria that one has to meet but nevertheless, you should not judge your writing skills with that. It's just one of the downside to writing. Hopefully, you'll pick up your pen and paper soon.

      Have fun

    2. Hopefully, I will. Thanks 😊

  4. Writing to me, is all there is to be...


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