Siblings! At the mention of that word, most people take to their heels. Only God can solve the mystery behind it. I mean how can someone have dual personality. One time, they are cool and loving while at some point, they are the craziest individual you just want to do away with. But can we? I guess that's where the dilemma comes in. We are stuck with them. However, in as much as they are thorns in the flesh, they can also be roses with sweet scent.

There are a lot of stories surrounding having siblings or being a sibling to someone and trust me, the stories are always shocking but funny. Let's take an instance of a child refusing to sleep on the bed because the mother brought in a total stranger (newborn). Parents even expect us to love this so called "siblings" immediately. Isn't that hilarious. I mean how am I suppose to love someone who has come to share my parents love for me. What I did for my little sister at birth is a story for another day (lol).

Now, everyone is all grown but the rivalry continues. Imagine your siblings using you as a meter rule for growth and development. That's pretty what I face here. They just subconsciously stand beside you and the next thing you hear is "Anty Xoxo, I am taller than you". My sis even goes as far as calling me our mummy's baby. Agbalagba like me o, a baby! If you laugh ehn, I would tell NEPA not to restore power in your area. Jokes apart, I'm pretty sure we have experienced this or even done it to our older siblings. We all are partners in crime. Well, that is just a brief description of the two fishes I call my siblings.

Another interesting part is the area of sharing things. I think I should be given an award when it comes to this. It is my area of specialisation. You can relate to this so stop pretending and acting tush. That ojukokoro is always there. Imagine a size 10 like me squeezing my body into my sister's  size 8 clothes. The struggle is always real. Moreover, hearing her rants and shout is one of the sweetest melody.

Interestingly, wearing the same size of shoe with one's siblings can be frustrating. You all know that moment you have plans to wear a particular shoe to church but she wakes up before you, dress up, complement it with your shoe and zoom off to church. My brother is not left out either. There are days we wear his shoes and clothes and zoom off; leaving him ranting. But as usual, he does his payback by using our perfumes and body sprays.

I think I will be leaving out the most important part if I do not mention days everyone just feels like a superior and we close in on each other. There are days we form allies too. I could remember a certain time one of us did something wrong and mum wanted to know the culprit. We started pushing it to one another. This person said it was the other person while the other person said it was that person. Mum was enraged and could not help but shout "who did it?" and we all chorused "nobody". Sometimes, siblings can go all witchy on themselves. Moments when your sister picks the same hairstyle just as you because she enjoys people calling you both twin sisters. Days when no one wants to cook and we end up sleeping on empty stomach or days when we just close our mouth and do not want to talk to each other but somehow still end up putting up with ourselves.

Siblings can be crazy but could also be the best gift from our parents to us.

I know we've all had our share of sibling palava. I would love to hear your own story right there in the comment section. Do good by putting a smile on people's face.

Your fav,


  1. First to comment. Siblings ehn chai. If you are the first, you will suffer in their hands.

    1. You get it. With them around, there's nothing like " my thing". It's always "our thing".

    2. Am very excited reading this writes up. One thing have learnt to know and understand is if you refuse to bear the shits done by them and it never stopped but continue it was as a result of what you did to them at a crucial time which they will never talk about them because they also lack understanding yet. But as time goes on those behavior gets melt down and you still have to see a little cracks of their usual act ones a while.

    3. I know right. Maturity comes to play at some point.

  2. Lol. I was legit smiling all through this.

  3. Hmm siblings palava. I'll start by saying, nice piece as usual.

    One thing I've come to learn is that. No matter the beef you get to have with your siblings, no one can actually take their place. The vacuum will always be void and only them can fit in it.

    I use to detest my siblings years back... Not like I really do detest them but this feeling of they becoming irritating at times comes up especially when they began exhibiting some annoying behaviours. And when you have to bear their shits and be blamed for their mistakes.

    But along the line I got separated from them for a very long time when I had to go to school in another state. That was when the space they fill in my life became obvious and then I began yearning and longing to be reunited with them.

    Now we got back together and I've just learnt to put up with their shits. It all boils down to understanding.

    Till date they still annoy me. I scold them when I have to and I just sit back and watch if I do not want my BP to rise lol.

    Bottom line... It's great having them around. They make the home lively!

    1. That aspect of being blamed for their mistakes irritate a lot. But like you've rightly said, their space can't be filled by another.

      Thanks for sharing your aspect of sibling palava.

  4. Loool..... I swr it is correct.... There is no our thing and you can't do anything when the spoil it.... That's the mist frustrating thing

    1. Lol. There's nothing we can do than to tolerate them.

  5. Nice one nne, I can relate to siblings palava

    1. It's something that's so glaring in each family.

      It's so nice you can relate.

  6. I once saw a quote which says "it's crazy how you can take a bullet for someone, but you can't share your spoon with them." After mother's love, I think siblings' love is the next.

    1. The categorisation is well defined even though, it varies from people to people.

  7. Interesting topic indeed. This lalava goes a long way I tell you.
    I remember when my mum delivered my younger sis. when I was is SS class and I'm like really up there in my head. I was so not happy, but who even get my time. But today, she a total frustrating darling who I wished I even ccom earlier. Fight with my younger brother is tori for another day, lol. We can fight this minute and the next minute we are like glue.
    Siblings rivary inevitable if you should ask me, and can be quite interesting. However, it could lead to enmity, thus parents should be on the watch to help cut out the excess.

    1. Mehn, this is so accurate. I could remember my sis and I forming allies when my brother was born; simply because we thought he had come to take our place.

      Your last statement is valid too. Siblings rivalry, if not checked, can lead to enemity.

  8. I can see that no last born has comment about this so far but I guess this is applicable to all of us. I can't forget how my big sis will always act like she's the boss and be ordering you around just because she's the senior one. Even something that is as close to her as the clothe she's wearing , she will call you and ask you to bring it for her all because she doesn't wanna stand up to get it herself. My big sister is very annoying but its still suprising me why I still miss her whenever we are not together. All the same, she is still the best sis and friend I can ever ask for.

    1. Last borns! You people are special kind of breed. Let me just reserve my comment.

      Well, the bond is usually strong and you never can tell how important they are to you till their absence is felt.

  9. Hmmmm nice write up. Mine will be on tbe issue of this our so called respect mentality, respect that's just on the lipels. Family members will say can't you say Brother Soso, and i'm like Brother ko this one that will give me small portion of the meat, lailai no brother anything oooo.

    Or when those egbons will come Pls wash my clothes I want to go and play ball, yeah! Payback time... You must pay before I help you... I enjoy those moments you will collect money and not do the work, you dare not report that you paid for clothes washing...
    Nonetheless, siblings are precious gifts. If you are an only child you will crave to have siblings.

    1. I am comfortably sitting on this table.😂

  10. 😂😂😂I have three here so believe me when I say I've seen/ heard whiiiin😪. My sisters would visit and even pant would vamoose! Like they'll visit me and as soon as they take off their clothes...boom! My undies. Imagine that.

    Now one of them visited the last time and my tight is still missing gus😭😭😭😭help😩

    1. It's part of love. Like I said earlier, your property is "our thing" when it come to siblings.

      Take heart. You'll survive.


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