Hello lovers of Mobola Writes. It is yet another beautiful month in the year 2020 and this is me wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new month. I am so happy you and I made it. More importantly, I pray we all find love since it is a month of love and giving.

On today's episode, we would be travelling down the lane of our university experience (s). I am quite sure we have them in great numbers. Definitely, four years can not roll by without having one or two things to say about it whether positive or negative. By the way, mine was a rollercoaster.

I'll begin by saying university is an institution put in place to change destiny. I know that cracked you up but it is obviously the truth. We should not forget to put the "university" in prayer when we are praying about destiny changers. Also, university is the pinnacle of one's educational background. More like the utmost height in education. You must be wondering what I mean by that. In this present day society, passing through basic and secondary school does not guarantee that you're learned. Even a university graduate with numerous degrees and certifications is still struggling.

Earlier in this post I had said university is a destiny changer and I am not going back on those words. That moment you put in for a particular discipline/course and you are admitted for an entirely different course; one you did not even envision. At some point in time, I was opportune to see the admission list and courses offered to prospective students. I had not even read up to ten names when I screamed in frustration. Imagine putting in for medicine but offered physical and health education; engineering but offered mathematics education; law but offered English. This is not because the students are academically dull but because it is believed that everyone can not study the "lucrative courses". Thousands of undergraduates and graduates are out there not happy with the course the university offered them but had no choice than to take it because of the rigorous process of securing another admission while few are just opportune to study the course they had put in for. Life is a game of chance, I suppose.

Fortunately, I would not say unfortunately, this had been my own lot. Being offered an admission into a discipline entirely different from what I had put in for did not come as a surprise to me. I had been told weeks before the list even came out. When my name came out on the list, I had mixed feelings. I was happy that I would not go through the stress of obtaining another jamb form, however, I was down because I was given a course entirely different from what I propose and this meant diversion in what I had planned for myself in the future. Fitting into that course was not so difficult at all since I had very good English teachers back in secondary school.

Soon enough, I began to enjoy and love what I was into. Exams came after which, results and everything came out fine. However, the enthusiasm I felt suddenly disappeared in year 2. Some would call it "staylite syndrome" but for me, it was not. I just did not enjoy what I was doing again but as usual, we had no option than to continue pushing through. I remember a particular course, ENG201, a course on traditional grammar where we had to draw numerous trees. Not attending the class was far better than doing so because the class leaves you more confused. The lecturer was not even helping matters. That moment all you have in your note is five to six pages of communication and language definitions; a fraction of what the course entails. It got so worse that every week in class, we knew we were going back to those same definitions; nothing new. Exams came and that particular course gave everyone a concern. The thing is we don't even know what to read or focus our reading on.

What happened in the exam hall wasn't something to forget in a long while. We had received our question paper with shaky and sweaty palms. The questions looked like they were written in Spanish. Every cells in me literally died. By this time, people had already taken their pencils and rulers and started drawing "their family tree". I left my own family tree and attended to the questions I knew (that's if I truly know it sha. Lol). It was so bad people were sweating profusely under the air conditioner. The examiner had shouted " forty five minutes to go" and most of us were still on one question out of three. That 2 hours was the longest and shortest time of my life. Well, result came out and I had a C. Maybe the angels had marked that paper because what I wrote there did not qualify for a C.

Have you ever heard of the word "failure"? Have you ever experienced it at one point in your life? Maybe not.

Find out more in the next episode. Thank you for reading!

I am dedicating this to my lovely baby, Orebajo, Omotayo Agnes. Happy birthday darling. More fruitful years to come. Keep impacting lives.


  1. Haq haq haq. The Nigeria Educational System 💔💔💔

  2. So you people have air conditioner in your examination hall. O ga o. Awon eyan Leeds City.

    But for real sha. I can relate. I got the course I applied for, however, along the way I still lost interest for a very long time. I still love the course right now, but I'm not yet as interested as I was in the beginning.

    1. It's because of how the system messes with our minds.

    2. Yes. Kudos to unilag for that.

      Of a truth, the system messes greatly with our mind.

  3. Admissions is something else, being in the school too is another stuff. It's like a chain, like a vicious cycle.

  4. Thanks for this piece.... truly captures my ordeal.

  5. This particular post ehn reeks of UNILAG completely. It's everywhere though and is one of life's experience

  6. Greatest Akokite... University of first choice and nation's pride.🤝

  7. School na scam but we all rush to it because dreams don't just come to pass without working for it. The only thing we can hope for is that we don't misuse the opportunity given to us.

  8. Replies
    1. What more can we do than to bear with and change the system if we are opportune to get into it.

  9. Our educational system is so messed up and it's affecting the lives of so many young Nigerians. The University "pushing" people to fields different from their chosen field is the the worst way to build a nation. In the nearest future, we'd have incompetent and unserious professionals, all because they are doing it because they couldn't back out.

    1. This is valid. I think this has contributed to the vices we are currently experiencing in this nation. To be successful, one has to have a keen interest and love in what one is doing. The reverse would be the case if this is missing.

  10. well we all don't ave a choice, co2 we want to be well Educated..... Sometimes I use to wish if I had no ''Why didn't i collect all the money I spent in the UNIVERSITY on a Trade or Something else...🤔🤗 Well it all Gud am Educated😎😃😋

    1. Funny you. I guess the government would pay you back during your service year.

  11. It's a big shame our educators makes life more complicated whether they themselves were victims of the destiny changing syndrome so they want to frustrate the lives of students
    They are suppose to provide all shades of support and guidance all through the course I have been fortunate to take various courses abroad and the way the professors get interested in you would baffle you not because you have anything to give them but they value your interest.
    Nigeria educational institutions would remain a big joke if our educators are not properly looked into.

    1. I can't agree less. Our educators have deviated in their duties. They are the principal factor most promising stars drop out. Instead of encouraging us, they feed us with derogatory words which damage our mental health.


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