Thank God it's Friday and oh yes, I have something to bless your day with. I would be sharing an insight and I hope you learn one thing or the other from it.

There is a little garden here, however, every plants there has died because we were too lazy to water them. On a fateful day, the heat was too much and I decided to come out to get some fresh air. I was seated and on call when I sighted an "ewedu" plant trying to germinate despite the dry land. It looked so fresh but small. Immediately, I thought to myself that I would not let this thing die so I made up my mind to start watering it right from that time. I took it so serious that my aunt nicknamed me "iya elewedu". The plant started germinating and flourishing in no distant time. I was proud of myself. It wasn't so easy nurturing a small plant to that stage. However, as time went on, I became relaxed and could not remain faithful to the little sacrifice; wetting the crop daily. Days after, some of the flourished leaves turned yellow; an indication that the plant was dying. I did not want it to die hence, I decided to pick up from where I stopped and in less than two days, it was flourishing again.

I know by now you must have been asking yourself "why this story?".

The thing is most of us, including me, often get creative ideas in our lone time just like how I discovered the plant. We try as much as possible to see to it that the idea grows into something big. We plan, strategize, think of ways, work hard, and put in a lot of energy to establish the said idea; only to relax and loose focus when we are about to hit a headway. Maybe because we feel that it is currently not working out fine or the enthusiasm is not just there again. Most people are not even opportune to start again or pick up from where they stopped just like I did to the plant. Thus, the idea dies forever.

In a nutshell, many creative ideas have died through these ways. To you reading this, it is not too late to start watering that idea that seems so little. With the needed perseverance, it is definitely going to grow into something great.

Thanks for reading. Have a splendid night.


  1. This is so so true.
    Many shelved ambitions
    Keep inking

    1. So many that it seems all ambitions are dead. We need to wake up.

      Thank you.

  2. Another beautiful piece.... thanks for the warm encouragement.

  3. This is preaching to me!
    God knows how much I've let laziness deter me from carrying on implementing the ideas in my head. I hope to be like you though, to have the strength and determination to pick up my watering can and tend my ideas to fruition .

    1. Oh wow. Laziness is nothing but a gradual destroyer. All you need do is get up and break free from the its shackles. I hope to see you flourishing soon.

  4. So true. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the plants

  5. Good piece. There are many ways to it. But it starts with you first. Choose to head on and trust the process. E go pay last last.

    1. Yeah. Everything starts with YOU. It's a YOU first and every other things follow.

  6. Timely...
    Awake! O ye slumbers
    More ink to your pen

  7. Most times, it's not that creativity or focus dies off, but the courage does. Usually, there is that feeling of will this whole thing come out well and other terrifying thoughts. Thus, it takes a lot of courage and determination to surge forward.
    Sometimes people wait for when everything feels totally perfect for them before they can embark on a project.

    However, I learnt something crucial from an entrepreneur who I watched on TV, ( so sorry I don't know her name, didn't really pay attention to it). She said, when wait till everything is perfect for a project, it is probably too late because it is from taking risk you learn and unlearn and become better. When, you wait for everything to become perfect, you'd be reluctant to make adjustment which could lead to crumbling of such project and since there is no back, boom that becomes the end

  8. Wow!!! I love the story you used to draw us in.

    But why do I feel so attacked??? Ahhhhh!!! This is true, at least for me. I have too many unfinished stories sitting in the dusty corner.

    Thank you for this eye-opener. I love your blog!!!!


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