I remember the joy that radiate in me on clocking 20 years of age. If you ask me, big 20 is the official age that ushers us into adulthood and not the world acclaimed 18 years. Growing up, there is this sudden urge of wanting to become an adult so as to escape the responsibilities that come with childhood such as running multiple errands, house chores and so on. Little did we know adulthood has greater responsibilities. But to us as a child, we had thought adulthood comes with rest because basically, this is what older generations made us believe. They hide their responsibilities under mirage of smile and laughter with so much expertise.

Few years into adulthood, I've come to discover a great secret about adulthood. This particular stage called adulthood is a scam. Well, you may not agree with me on this but I will try to elucidate.
This is a stage in life you grow into but never grow out of it. Unlike childhood which have a lifespan and ends at a particular age, adulthood spans forever; no expiry date at all. It is not something you enter into and want to back out. Worst still, year by year as you grow, it demand greater responsibilities than that of the previous year and you have no option than to keep up to avoid carry over.

Apparently, most adults; especially those in the early stage (20-25), wishes to go back to that period of childhood. The innocence of being a child is second to none, the joy that comes with seeing one's Christmas clothes, asking and receiving answers promptly and what have you. However, we must also provide for the upcoming children as someone has done for us. Hence, adulthood encroach on us before we are even ready for it.

Therefore, the reality is that we are stuck in this stage; forever!

Quick Reminder
I think I will be going back in age this year. I don't want this adulthood of a thing again. Who's going to join me?


  1. Adulthood is a scam truly. We have a ton of responsibilities, everything can't be easily figured out and life can be tasking. But also this is the time to chase our dreams and fulfill our goals

  2. I remember growing up... Attaining adulthood was so much longed for. The fact that restrictions were placed on me in divers aspects. Such that I can't go out whenever I desire, there are movies I can't watch simply because they are rated +18. And lots more to mention a few. But now I have all the freedom and it's looking like I'm not even free at all when one ponders on the responsibilities that comes with adulthood. It's a different feeling of bondage on it's own. And like Mobola said which I concur... An unending face of life. Only death can do part. Lol. Nice piece Bola.

    1. I think I can relate so much to this. I hate to hear "go and read your book/go to bed" just when the movie is getting interesting or when sleep isn't coming at all. I was so curious to know the underlying meaning of so many things even as a child. Like you've rightly said, we all longed for adulthood and now that we are there it seems we are not free at all because we've been choked with responsibilities.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Drey

  3. This is what they mean when they say scam is scamming the scam.

  4. This is an eye opener and an amazing work dear. If only all budding children can have a peep at this reality, it would go a long way in shaping their mindset.

    1. Children would always be children. Moreover, some things are better tasted in order to have a first hand experience. If you tell them, they wouldn't believe. Just like we didn't believe when we were much younger too.

      Thank you for commenting.

  5. Abeg, I think will join😪. One enters adulthood thinking everything will be fine,only to find out say na season film


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