Wow! It is another Thursday and guess what, I love Thursdays.

Basically, we all have that one thing we wish to change about the world, the society we live in and even about ourselves. So today on Variety Thursday, we would be sharing and discussing that particular thing.

What would you love to change about yourself, the society you live in and the entire world if you had the power and opportunity to do so?


  1. Yasss. Let's just take a moment to applaud me... again... for being the first to comment🥳

    1. I'm sure Ayusco would beat you to it another time

  2. If I could change something, it would be that people have love for one another. No, not that unrequited thing they call love these days, but the type that is reciprocated. And that people get the justice they deserve.

    Often times, growing up, I have imagined myself being a caped vigilante. Not a hero, I don't want that. But a vigilante that protects others and metes out justice without bureaucracy.

    1. Yeah. Justice! Most humans can't even afford that despite that it is free. We need to stand up more for one another.

  3. I don't think I'd change anything about myself 😊I'm a spec, I wish I could change so many things in the world tho, I wish people would let others be happy regardless of their sexuality, their statures and just the way they plan their lives. There are so many people trying to tell people why they shouldn't be happy and everyone is depressed because hurt people, hurt peoole.

    1. I love your view about yourself. Can I borrow your lines? Yippie! I'm a spec too.

      More importantly, I think it's high time people stopped following the template handed down to our generation by our forefathers. We have the freedom of choice and as you've rightly said, people should respect that and dump their archaic mentality.

  4. I don't know if there's anything I want to change about myself, maybe increase my financial status. The society? I'll give judgemental people automatic withdrawal. And the world, If I could eradicate evil I'll be the happiest human.

    1. Lol. Even the richest man on earth would also love to raise his financial status.

      Judgemental people? That's something to think about. Consciously or unconsciously, more people are becoming judgmental on a daily basis and this is making the society more toxic.

      Evil has been right from the inception of the world. It would take a higher force to eradicate that. The least we can do is reduce it to the barest minimum.

  5. I want to change some parts of me, I strive to be the best version of myself. I want to be more optimistic.

    Our society needs to believe that not only the bad comes out of us but the good too.

    The world needs to let go of stereotypes, they bridle creativity.

  6. There are so many things I wish I could change in the world but really, change starts with us, our generation. But lately I've found out that the older generation have impacted our generation with so much toxic mannerisms that it feels like the next generation will somewhat be a repetition of this and the previous one.

  7. Yeah. I totally get you. But looking deep down, one would notice that this generation hardly accept this toxic mannerisms. In our own little way , we try to lay down a template and try as much as possible for the older generation to see through our own lens. I'm just glad our children won't go through this 'cause this ends with our parents. To some extent, we are refined.

  8. I'll change nothing about myself, yeah.. I'm not perfect, but I enjoy this person. About, the society? It's not entirely good, and that's cos votes still don't count. Maybe I'll change the election system so we can vote fair and square and with safety of lives assured.

    1. I love the perspective you took this from. A standard and good electoral system with assured safety of human lives would do the society so much good.


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