Yaay! It is Thursday and we've discovered that it is boring to be serious all the time. The human brain, mind and body needs some time to rest, relax, enjoy and free some memories.

As a result, I would not be sharing my experience(s) today but rather, we'll be sharing our favourite childhood memories so we could learn, laugh and relate.


Feel free to share your memories with friends and lovers in the comment section. I'll be waiting!


  1. Before anything.... first to comment πŸ₯³πŸ₯°

    1. Your jinx would be broken one day.

    2. They wish. I'm the #1 fan😒πŸ₯°

    3. Meanwhile, to everyone. If you wanna TRY to beat me at commenting first, then subscribe to this blog so you can be alerted when a new blog post is out.

    4. Lol. The challenge is open. Let's see who wins.

  2. Sadly, I don't have childhood memories. I can't seem to remember anything that happened from my age 6 downwards. Call it an intentional amnesia. Well, moving on, memories to me are sacred. No memory is tainted by another memory. Every relationship, every friendship has held memories for me (past and present). I have learnt to live without regrets, it helps. So, I appreciate everyone who has somehow played a role in my life, whether we are at 'war' or have not talked to each other in months or years or talking to each other presently. They are all a part of me.

  3. Memories, as Ola as rightly said, are sacred. They are like balm that grease our soul; whether pleasant or sad. On a lighter note, I think my favourite childhood memory is taking my bath in the rainπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ. You don't want to know the joy I feel anytime I see the clouds gathering. This little girl would prepare her artificial bathing tub, expertly placed at the "mouth" of the roofing sheet. It's always a wonderful moment and honestly, I miss those times.

    1. Lol. I did this just this year I think, in the school hostel before graduating. At past 1a.m, we came out naked to run around in the rain. Old final year boys like usπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I caught a cold the next day and came down with malaria, but I was still smiling on the sick bedπŸ˜‚

    2. That smile of accomplishment. I can so relate to it.

  4. Lol. Anytime I remember this I have this bittersweet feeling. There was one day when I was younger, I just playing my crush, so I and my brother wanted to raced to house

  5. I was leading but because it was dark I didn't see the ditch in front of me, so I put one leg in and the rest of me landed on the concerte and my lips were seriously injured. The funniest part, was that my crush came to visit me that night and I tried to form hard guy when I couldn't even talk well

    1. Lol. This is hilarious. Nevertheless, an injured lips didn't stop you from shinning before your crush.

      Thanks for sharing your memory with us.

  6. At this time of the year, memories about harmattan and it's effect. sadly it's till January before it hits the south south

    1. Harmattan! The only lover capable of powdering our faces and leaving us with memories of the impact of her kisses on our lips.

  7. Memories.... I have a lot but I don't know which to share
    Given it's Christmas...I remember getting my oversized Christmas clothes early while growing up
    Lol... But now, they've even forgotten I'm Still their child

    1. Christmas clothes are heavenly. Mum usually gets mine around September to avoid rush hour but never an oversize tho. I think we need to protest with the hashtag #bringbackourChristmascloth

  8. “Memories bring back memories bring back you”
    I remember how I was never beaten in secondary school. Always the teacher's pet. He'd beat everyone else in class except me. Yeah, I'm that special. That being said, I am loving your blog!

    1. Funny! You must be so lucky. Being a class Monitress gave me such immunity but I never escaped general beating😭.

      Thank you for the compliment!

  9. Omg! This is beautiful. Do I smell some feelings in the air? Lol. Don't mind me.

    At some point in life, everyone had a crush and there is always this awkward moment whenever we come across them. This is totally normal. You just have to brace up and probably try striking the cord of friendship. Maybe with time you'll be so comfortable around him.

    I wish you the best!

  10. As a marlian, memories don't scare us, I had so many good memories in my childhood days but I will like to share one of the bad memories. So on this day I thought I had successful stole my moms money, cos they already search everybody including me but I was not my mom suspect so she just searched my pocket only, in my mind I thought it's over when she said we can be going to school. on our way to sch my dad came to call us back for another search, unfortunately for me he saw the money in my pant, it was a terrible day for. I got the beating of my life, you can only imagine how my head swelled up with different marks all over my body 😭😭😭😭😭😭

    1. Marlian! You just had to indicate that first. You must be a very hardcore fan.

      That day should have been tagged "stealing gone wrong". Dad must be a very good officer, I guess. By the way, don't tell me you wanted to use the money to buy " goodie goodie".πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. Once upon a time,
    Man was a child.
    Man was innocent, happy and shy.
    Man knew not of the viles of the world,
    Man was gentle at heart and pure in mind.

    Man loved surprises,
    The true happiness that ensued at the presence of gifts;
    Candy and clothes, coins and notes.

    Uhm what am I doing? πŸ˜‚

    Favourite Childhood memory would be Christmas every year. It was one of those moments when the whole family would be together and all my cousins would be around and shit. It was always a fun time

    1. Man was innocent until he became a hoelordπŸ€”
      Lol. A poet would always be a poet; anytime, any day.

      Christmas seasons are the best! By the way, I was looking out for the word "shit" in your comment and guess what? You didn't disappoint me, Mr Seph Shit.πŸ˜‚


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