
Photo Credit: Getty/SiberianPhotographer 6-6-6 I can bet the very first thing that came to mind on sighting that number is "The mark of the beast": especially my christian brethren. You can as well calm down now. Angel Micheal is not ready to blow the trumpet. The date 6-6-6 was a fearful one that year as various news, prophecies, words of knowledge to mention but a few kept flying around. It was presumed to be the day the underworld would strike and every believer should be in church, praying. As a result, all roads led to the redemption camp. Trust African mothers. The day preceding the D-Day was my church's Holy Ghost night while the Saturday was Mfm's Power Must Change Hands program. Mum decided to kill two birds with a stone. My sister and I were dressed in SU clothing. The image of my cap that year keeps coming to my head and I can't help but laugh. That cap should be a national treasure. We completed the holy ghost night service and moved to MFM. It was a ...