Hello Readers! I'm sorry for the inconsistency. I think I should blame it on the poor reception in this area or maybe lack of inspiration. Although the former should be more genuine. Today on Mobola Writes, I'll be talking on a very controversial issue: Sexual abuse. I would try as much as possible to be flexible enough so as to accommodate both parents, youths and young adults view. However, I'll have to break it down into segments since the topic itself is very broad. Therefore, I'll only touch the genesis. I know you'll be wondering how I know these things since I'm not a parent yet. Well, everyone was once a child and as a growing child we had noted places where our parents made some errors. We wouldn't want to repeat such too. This particular topic was inspired by two factors. First, a friend's post about a book she read on sexual abuse and second, the reaction of a mother to her child. The little child innocently told a visitor about what was...