
Showing posts from January, 2020


Hello Readers! I'm sorry  for the inconsistency. I think I should blame it on the poor reception in this area or maybe lack of inspiration. Although the former should be more genuine. Today on Mobola Writes, I'll be talking on a very controversial issue: Sexual abuse. I would try as much as possible to be flexible enough so as to accommodate both parents, youths and young adults view. However, I'll have to break it down into segments since the topic itself is very broad. Therefore, I'll only touch the genesis. I know you'll be wondering how I know these things since I'm not a parent yet. Well,  everyone was once a child and as a growing child we had noted places where our parents made some errors. We wouldn't want to repeat such too. This particular topic was inspired by two factors. First, a friend's post about a book she read on sexual abuse and second, the reaction of a mother to her child. The little child innocently told a visitor about what was...


I remember the joy that radiate in me on clocking 20 years of age. If you ask me, big 20 is the official age that ushers us into adulthood and not the world acclaimed 18 years. Growing up, there is this sudden urge of wanting to become an adult so as to escape the responsibilities that come with childhood such as running multiple errands, house chores and so on. Little did we know adulthood has greater responsibilities. But to us as a child, we had thought adulthood comes with rest because basically, this is what older generations made us believe. They hide their responsibilities under mirage of smile and laughter with so much expertise. Few years into adulthood, I've come to discover a great secret about adulthood. This particular stage called adulthood is a scam. Well, you may not agree with me on this but I will try to elucidate. This is a stage in life you grow into but never grow out of it. Unlike childhood which have a lifespan and ends at a particular age, adulthood spans...


Happy new year lovers. The very much anticipated year 2020 is finally here and it is so significant. Reason being that it is the beginning of a new decade. Now to the main point. Barely two hours ago, I had put up a status on Whatsapp which reads "after school, what next?". This invariably sparked various responses from viewers. However, most responses were centered on "marriage" being the next option after school. Now, the question is " Should marriage be the next thing after school, especially in this age and time? I would really love to have your take on this matter. Kindly leave a reply in the comment section. Thanks for reading. Till the moon shines bright again, Mobola